Sunday 12 May 2013

Jealousy Monster has Arisen Once More. Oh Boy :/

So a few weeks ago (or thereabouts) I wrote a piece about being a jealous singleton; basically me being jealous over smug, happy couples, after which I may have gotten off my face in beer and tears. But anyway...

This post is about me being Jealous over authors. Not all authors, only a few really, ones that are younger, more unique, and more talented (I think anyway) than me. Also, did I mention these teen-talents are published too? Ergh. 
Let me begin...

Over the past few months I've really gotten into literary journals - mostly the ones that promote local talent. I've only recently have submitted something myself and is currently waiting for the 'no. This is a rejection' reply. 
Some of the work is really amazing, like Oh, My God - others go over my head and others aren't my style - but we all have our opinions. 

It was however, that I came across one piece that I wasn't a fan of. After looking up the author's bio at the back of the journal, I found she had a blog, and decided I'd check it out. 
On the blog I found other pieces of writing - much better than her one in the journal. I started to really like her work and thought she was talented - this hasn't changed.
However, I then discovered that this talented, little Pixie is only 16. She's only 16?! Mother F*cker!!!!!! 

I was furious. How could someone, who is so young, be writing that stuff, getting published and be really talented?
I then made the discovery - she has had her work printed in multiple journals - some more than once. She also is an artist and had different forms of writing, artwork and whatever else this little Pixie can produce out there into the public. 


Sorry, the jealousy monster in the pit of my soul took over. I discovered this weeks ago, and still haven't gotten control of it. 
I mean....I don't even....blah. 

I can't help but compare everything I do with her. And I'm losing. 
I know I sound pathetic, and a tad ridiculous...OK seriously ridiculous, but I can't help it - it's in my nature. 

I know it's like comparing apples and oranges; we have our own unique style, you can't compare because you are different, blah, blah, blah.
But this chick is a f**king mango - and who doesn't like mangoes?! 

It probably doesn't help that I celebrated my 20th birthday the other day, and I'm coming to the realisation that...I'm getting old. Like, a bad old, not the good old when you're still a teenager and can't wait to be 'older'. I'm getting walking-stick older - not good. 

So, with a face of defeat - though it's been a battle between myself, so I can hardly complain - I decided to write about it in Thought Bubble. 
As I logged on, I had a check over the other blogs I follow. One is for writers - I know, predictable! 
I scrolled down to a post written about a book for children. 
It has won many awards - well a couple anyway,
the author of the blog seemed to enjoy it,
it's a proper, out in the shelves published book,
and the author is ten years old........


Yes, that's right people (or should I say write ;) lol) the author is a ten year old!

All of a sudden, that 16 year old is looking like a comrade in arms right now. 

I don't know how the Jealousy Monster is going to take this news. 

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