Thursday 26 April 2012

A Writing Prose Challenge

Instead of writing about me (because lets face it, who doesn't want to hear about that?) I've decided to publish a piece of writing I did as a uni task earlier this year.

We were given the task in class and we had 10mins to do it - I also haven't changed the orginal piece.

The task was to write about the sea without using the letter "s".
I chose this because after reading it back a month later, I find it funny how I used words to compensate for "s" words - see if you can pick any of them out.


Looking out toward the horizon, I notice a glimmer of light, glow on the top of the water. I try and get a clearer look at the light, but that day the weather contained a blearing heat. It glimmered onto my face, making looking out into the horizon difficult.
I continued to walk along the grainy ground, my feet hot on the natural floor.
I looked out near the jetty; a boat getting ready for their next adventure.
I continued on my walk coming to dried up ocean life, that had been left by the tide. I jump over them; not wanting to change thier natural grave.
Continuing my walk, I notice a voice calling from the ocean ledge. The beach hadn't had many people arrive today but a mother and her boy had entered the water.
Other people began to approach the mother, who cried out louder.
"Help," the only word decipherable; but that word alone did the trick.
Looking out to the water the boy fought with the ocean. Wave after wave jumped down onto him; while he tried to remain afloat.
Men had raced into the water after him; trying to reach him before the ocean claimed him.
Out of nowhere, the once, peaceful, calm and tranquil beach had no become a war zone - man taking on ocean.
I looked back toward the dead ocean life and it reminded me how unforgiving the ocean can be. I just hoped the boy would not be next.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Any Unknows Out There?

So, for anyone who might happen to stumble across this, as you can tell I have not been a blogger for very long.
Well I don't even think a month.
And as the blog rules go (well at least according to Dolly's report on How to Rule the Internet; which was written a few years back now) I must follow blogs, in which people will return the follow, and thereby putting my blog out there - getting it noticed.

I thought I'd better start doing that - seeing as though I have no followers - it doesn't bother me at all by the way; I actually find it humerous that no one ever reads these things.

But anyway, I'm getting off track.

I decided I would take a look at other people's blogs. I started trolling around clicking the next blog button on the top of our screens (which if you haven't already done so for my blog - thankyou :) ) but to no prevail.

I found nothing of interest to me.

My second attempt was looking at blogs of note - which were the opposite blogs to me; in the fact that they are highly successful.
Their pages are beautiful, they contain hundreds of posts, pictures and videos. They're experienced (blogging for years or more) and most importantly have followers.*

*Notice I put an s on the end of that. They have more than one? Wow, even one would be more than me!

And I came to the decision. I didn't want to follow the blogs that everyone else was following.
I like the idea of following a blog (or more) that not many people knew about.
The problem is - I haven't found any! No matter how many next blog buttons I hit; I don't seem to find blogs like mine.

And if I do come across one - they haven't written anything since 2010; with no doubt, forgotten about thier blog and no longer care about it.

So if there is anyone with a low followers blog; Yes I'm talking to you! Let me read your blog - I'd love to read it - and follow it if you'd let me.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

I Don't Know Whether the Weather Will be Any Good Today

Sorry to anyone reading this because it's going to be a completely narcissistic post. But seeing as all my other ones are too, then it doesn't really matter.

Now this post goes out to the residents of Canberra, A.C.T.

As a female I find it hard enough to come up with something different to wear everyday. Working out whether the jeans can survive one more day, or if they've had thier time and need to be washed. Looking at shirts, seeing if they match the rest of the outfit. 
For some; picking the everyday clothing is easy (whatever's on the floor/closet) for others (like me) it can be a struggle. 

And this is without the weather. 
Of course the mention of weather complicates things.
The weather issue can be dealt with in two ways:

1: Picked perfect outfit only to find out it's not weather appropriate.
This is the worst of the two. You've spent all that time nit-picking your outfit until you've got it right- down to the shoes; only to find out it's going to be to cold/hot for what you've picked.
Solution= Must start over.

2: Find out weather before hand and pick according to forcast.
Now this is the better option. For one can simply find out the weather (as the title suggests) and pick an outfit accordingly.

Of course this only works if you DONT live in Canberra.

Yesterday's forcast was cloudy, 19 degrees, with winds.

So I dressed accordingly- skirt (with stockings) and a longsleeve turtleneck (red if anyone's wondering).
Alas, the weather decided to warm up, it went over 19 degrees AND to top it off there were no winds and the sun decided to come out.
As one could imagine, it got pretty hot in that outfit, pretty quick.

So when today's forcast was 20 and showers I stupidly thought "yeah it'll warm up."
But of course this is Canberra; so in my short sleeve jumper-like-zip up- thingy I almost froze to death; what I wouldn't have done for some sleeves!
And of course it decided to rain - all day - and be very windy.

I guess I can't be suprised. Growing up in Canberra meant days of unpredictable weather, all year round, but now I'm not constrained to a school uniform and I have to pick something different everyday, I find this Canberra weather very frustrating.

Friday 13 April 2012

The Real Rules of NRL

Watching the Canberra Raiders Vs the Brisbane Broncos on television as I type; I can't help but notice the obvious bias and blatant favouritism towards the home team.

With a massive fan base, playing at home in front of a massive crowd; the Broncos have the advantage.
But not because of these things:

Refs not daring to give a penalty to the Raiders, crowd roaring in anger as a Raider even touches the ball

During the middle of that sentence a Raiders player was put on report- for nothing! A "swinging arm" is the charge, in which he didn't even touch the opposing player (in fact he hit his own player- but that's beside the point) so what's with the penalty?

This is one of many penalties the Raiders have been given, while the Broncos haven't recieved a single penalty- not because they haven't done anything wrong or illegal. But because of the NRL's "favouritism" rules.

This is where clubs with the most money, crowd pull etc get the penalties, the television viewing and the points for the ladder.

Now I must confess I am a fan of the Canberra Raiders. But my rant is not without truth nor has it been stretched out.

Look at the commentators for a second; now last time I checked a commentators job was to run through the events of the game. not boast about how good their team is playing and how crap the other team is going.
Shame on you tonights Suncorp commentators- next time actually run through the game- and don't talk crap.

Alas, with a 24 to 6 to the Broncos with only 20m to go- I don't see the Raiders taking this game out.

But any NRL fans out there know this- It's not a credit to the Broncos skills, nor was it because of the Raiders "mistakes" - The Broncos are playing at Suncorp. And if you were a ref, would you have the courage to stand up to the hundreds of Bogan's screaming in the crowd?

Thursday 12 April 2012

A Quiet Night In

It's a Thursday night.
So like normal 19 year olds, I should be out in Civic; getting piss drunk, dancing, getting piss drunk, hitting on hot guys, getting hit on by ugly ones- oh and did I mention getting off my face?

but instead I'm here; In my room, writing a piece on where I should really be.

Now don't take this as a self obsorbed, whiny, bitchy, get-over-yourself-you-pathetic-loser post.
This is more asking the question or more pleading to the public...

"Calling all homebodies, self confessed couch potatoes and bed dwellers alike! For those who'd rather stay warm in bed reading a book than seeing the film version that's out. For those who, watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy is an action packed Saturday night. And for anyone who'd rather watch the footy on TV, than sit in the freezing cold; this post is for you!"

Believe me Brothers and Sisters, you're preaching to the choir if you think I'm not a true believer.

Because I have always been this way. I have no issues staying home and chilling out here. Now of course from time to time one must brave the unknown or "outside"; work, uni, friend, family commitments (not to mention low food supplies) means one must venture out and make ones abode more pleasent.
For nothing makes "no place like home" then leaving; knowing in a few hours/days, you'll be back and safe in your cave.

So if I'm a true believer than what's with the post?
Casually strolling down my facebook newsfeed I notice how many status' include "Civic; yeah Bitches!" and the always- "Who's doing Civic runs tonight?"
I must confess there was a pang- no, no, lets make it a ping of sadness- the why didn't you go out as well?

For once, my friendship group actually organised something with more than an hours notice.
Did I want to go? Of course.
But then the "Homebody" inside of me lept out, and going didn't seem that appealling anymore.

So I guess my point to all of this is this-

Dear Homebodies, couch potatoes and bed dwellers alike.
Embrace your homeliness- your love for the simple, casual night out.
But never be afraid to venture out into this land of "outside"
whether it's clubbing or something else- let your wild side take over and have fun!
Then the next night you can have our fun- watching secretly loved movies with a cup of tea.

Friday 6 April 2012

A Busy Easter Weekend

Today is Good Friday. And as you would all be aware today signifies the start of a four day weekend.
Whether that's all it is for you or something more these four days signify the time to be with family.
At least it does for mine.

For me this long weekend I would like to (or should) be doing an assignment due very soon. Instead my days are full of family activities. - And seeing as procrastinating is one of my favourite things I thought I'd break it down in this blog- instead of assignment doing.

So today (and no doubt very soon) Mum will drag me to the shops to pick up prawns.
No big drama there, but it won't end there I am sure.
Mum and I have the habit of going crazy when we shop. One thing turns into another and before we know it, the boot is full with stuff and we have a coffee in our hands (a reward for that days shop.)
And once I get back I'll be too exhusted to even think about turning on my computer (well for work at least.) Not to mention the footy is on this afternoon in which Mum, my brother and I will sit round the telly to watch. Then there's the footy tonight (we're kinda footy fans if you haven't guessed yet) in which the three of us will now be joined with my Dad (who unfortunately has to spend Good Friday at work.)

Now that was only Today.

A few days ago I recieved a call from my Grandma or Nanna as she's more fondly known.
She wanted to know if my brother and I wanted to to go over to her house on Saturday and bake easter treats for the following day.
My cousin studies at a Townsville uni and was able to come down to Canberra for the week.

*sidenote: So my family is of Maltese background and "family" to my Nanna is EVERYTHING. And to have four of her grandchildren (she has 7) available to spend extra time with her is a big deal.

How could I say no?
But I didn't want to say no anyway. The idea of the delicious cookies baking in the oven, the frosting we'll get to try, the chocolate that will surely be given to us as a special reward.
I loved the idea of being a kid again and taking time to have some serious family fun (c'mon when do we ever get the time to do that?)

So Saturday I will be at Nanna's house all day baking; not that I mind. So Saturday's gone.

Wake up Sunday. Easter Sunday.
This is where I am stumped about what will accour that morning. When we were kids we did the traditional Easter hunt; where Mum and Dad had hidden chocolate eggs around the house and we got  to find them. Now that my brother and I weren't kids anymore I wasn't sure if this would still be happening.
But I wasn't bothered if it wasn't. I'd be gettig tons of chocolate from Aunties and Uncles to last all year (they almost did) and the idea of too much chocolate made me sick- I'm not a big chocolate fan.

By the end of the four days (and yes I know I only mentioned three) I'll be stuffed to the eyeballs with chocolate. With an assignment untouched.

I guess now we wait and see if my predictions come true or not...hmmm, I think I hear Mum calling.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Bus Encounters

To start off the reader has to know that I catch the bus to and from uni (yes I'm a uni student.)

For a Tuesday morning (lets say around 11am) there was a remarkable amount of people on the bus; for that time of the morning.
I was on my way home after a successful tutorial. For me the day was wonderful; and it was only 11am.
Now I was lucky to get a window seat that was unoccupied, but as we entered the first major stop off/pick up point there was a limited number of seats.

Now my bag was next to me on the seat; I wasn't saving it or implying that no one could sit there; it was just where I put my bag.
Now as an elderly man got on he had two choices; either pick the women sitting in front of me- an aggressive looking women on her mobile, immersed in some sort of game; or a text maybe.
And then there was me. A young, shy looking girl who is having a good morning.

But to sit next to me (I hope you chose me also) there was the issue of the bag.For when I saw him he was looking at an available seat that was taken up by a bag.
Hastily I picked up the bag and pulled it across my lap. Due to my lack of grace the bag almost fell onto the floor and I quickly had to snatch it before my possessions went flying down the bus.

Unfortunately the man took this as a snub- that I didn't want this man sitting next to me.

I just like to point out I had no objections and that he had every right to pick that seat.

So in what I assume was guilt (or maybe he felt like he needed to say something) he said "Oh, I'm sorry about that."
Now the bag hadn't fallen off my lap and everything had turned out just fine, so in my shock (people usually don't talk on buses) I replied, "oh it's fine, no problems."

And there our encounter was over- so I thought. For when we went passed The Lodge, the old man pointed to it and said "Big Julia lives there." Now I just nodded in return. At first I thought, he thought I was dumb and didn't know where our Prime Minister lived, but he continued.

"Sounds like a gang doesn't it? Big Julia."
I wanted to just nod, but as he has said something twice, it was my turn to respond. I laughed confirming his thoughts but then something I didn't expect.

So this man and I had a lovely conversation for most of the trip home. We talked mostly about politics- which ashamedly I really only nodded and agreed with him; politics isn't my strong point.

Then as we were heading to the next bus interchange the man turned to me (we had stopped speaking at this point) and said- and these are his exact words- "I hope you have a marvellous rest of the day."
Now this elderly man probably doesn't know this but he made my day!
I turned to him and wished him the same- and ment it.
It's people like that that lift your spirit just that little bit higher.

As he got off (I remained on) the lady in front of us (yes mobile lady) gave a look that said "glad he didn't sit next to me."
And I wanted to tell her likewise- because he sat next to me and he turned out to be a lovely man (even if he was a bit too chatty.)

So there is my post on how a wonderful morning turned out to get even better- even if you don't see it coming.