Thursday 26 April 2012

A Writing Prose Challenge

Instead of writing about me (because lets face it, who doesn't want to hear about that?) I've decided to publish a piece of writing I did as a uni task earlier this year.

We were given the task in class and we had 10mins to do it - I also haven't changed the orginal piece.

The task was to write about the sea without using the letter "s".
I chose this because after reading it back a month later, I find it funny how I used words to compensate for "s" words - see if you can pick any of them out.


Looking out toward the horizon, I notice a glimmer of light, glow on the top of the water. I try and get a clearer look at the light, but that day the weather contained a blearing heat. It glimmered onto my face, making looking out into the horizon difficult.
I continued to walk along the grainy ground, my feet hot on the natural floor.
I looked out near the jetty; a boat getting ready for their next adventure.
I continued on my walk coming to dried up ocean life, that had been left by the tide. I jump over them; not wanting to change thier natural grave.
Continuing my walk, I notice a voice calling from the ocean ledge. The beach hadn't had many people arrive today but a mother and her boy had entered the water.
Other people began to approach the mother, who cried out louder.
"Help," the only word decipherable; but that word alone did the trick.
Looking out to the water the boy fought with the ocean. Wave after wave jumped down onto him; while he tried to remain afloat.
Men had raced into the water after him; trying to reach him before the ocean claimed him.
Out of nowhere, the once, peaceful, calm and tranquil beach had no become a war zone - man taking on ocean.
I looked back toward the dead ocean life and it reminded me how unforgiving the ocean can be. I just hoped the boy would not be next.

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