Tuesday 24 July 2012

Just When I Thought I couldn't get any Cooler

With the long uni break, the fact I don't have a job, I'm so bored and I have nothing to do, I decided to revisit a part of my childhood. 

For those who are aware, I joined Pottermore recently and I've really gotten into it ("go Ravenclaw.") It's fun  and I can play it for a couple of hours with no problem. But I do find it can get repetitive and I eventually get sick of it. I honestly don't know how people could play on it all day long.
What is a fun part, is the common room forum - now that can be really entertaining. But the creator's of Pottermore really need to tweak it a bit, because it's not faultless (sorry, but I had to say.) 

This got me thinking of when I was a kid, during the times I got into Neopets. Another online game with the same principles as Pottermore, (instead of a Harry Potter world, you entre the world of Neopets) but has a WAY better forum/chat area. 

So for about a week now I've been thinking about Neopets and what happened to the Neopet I completely abandoned. I don't feel bad though - it's been years and the only thing I remember about it, was that it was blue, and I think it was a water creature, type thing. 
And let's face it; they aren't REAL pets anyway. 

Then today (I blame boredom) I decided to create a new Neopets account. Besides the forums, I really loved the games they had on that game, they were addictive and I wouldn't get off the computer until my mother/grandmother/father were calling me for dinner.
So I did. I created a new account. 
It was exactly how I remember. And to boot, they gave me gifts as a new member (OK, I would've gone back to my old account, but I have a new email now, and I wouldn't have been able to remember my password, for the life of me). 

So with the new gifts in my inventory and a happy (new) Neopet, I went searching for my favourite game. And with the click of the games button I found it - right there in the favourite section. 
So I clicked to play (after I remembered how to). 
 But after the game loaded (a lot more quicker thanks to the addition of broadband in my family) the game started. But unfortunately the game had changed. 
The stones for example were smaller (I liked the big stones personally), there were different tools to use, they added these buttons part where a dinosaur flew past when you pressed on of them. 
It was different, the game was different. And I didn't like it. 

I started to doubt my new account, when I thought I'd hit the forum section. 
There are different forum rooms depending on what you want to talk about. So, I clicked the newbie section (well I haven't played in years). 
But alas, scrolling down the topics, none of them got my attention. So, I thought I'd start my own post. 
After I'd clicked the post button a message came up; "no posting until you have had the account for 24 hours." Damn. 

That was it for me. I logged off. And I don't have any attention in going back. I might though, suss out other games, but other than that, I doubt I'll be a heavy Neopets player. All well. 

Guess it's back to Pottermore. 

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