Thursday 5 July 2012

I'm falling behind.

I felt like writing.
I've been feeling like that a lot lately. 
But instead of writing here, I've been drawn to other means. 
So this blog has been a bit neglected. Sorry. 

It's not entirely my fault though.
In a turn of uncontrollable events, I found myself at the coast. The trip wasn't a happy one, which had to do with one of my Grandparents being ill. So off my Mum and I went. 

And because they lived in a rural area, and because they have slow internet (unbearably slow) I was stuck without this blog for over a week.
I have no doubt, I thought of many wonderful things to write about while I was there, but couldn't actually get access to write them down...well not on computer anyway. 

Now I'm back though. And of course, with nothing to say.
But I still wish to write though.
I'll probably think of something as soon as I hit the publish button. That's always the way, isn't it?

So, even with nothing to say, I decided writing something is better than nothing (though I'm sure there's some of you who disagree). As I logged on I saw a post by one of the blogs I follow. Within 14 months they had written 400 posts. Different stories, things of interest to them, that they had written down and in only 14 months. That's a lot. A hell of a lot. 

That got me thinking of myself. I've had this blog since March of this year. And I have 19 posts. If I was to try to match that record or even beat it...well let's work it out. 
I've had my blog for 5 months. 14 - 4 = 10. I have ten months to go. 
I have 19 posts. 400 - 19 = 381. 
Crap. I have to write 381 posts in the next 10 that's until...May of next year. I think. 
Feels like it's ages away, but that's gonna creep up on us. 
I also know, I'm not an interesting person, so this is where I need your help. 

Have something you want written about?
Have a hot topic you want out in the public?
Books, movies, music you want reviewed?

Actually, I'll accept want it written, I'll do it!!

Send your topics to my email 
*I've since removed it, cause I was a dildo putting it up in the first place! 

or you can send them as a comment. 

Also, if you happen to notice my maths isn't right, and it needs to be changed...please tell me! I was never good at maths. 

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