Wednesday 10 July 2013

My Brother Failed A Class - And My Parents did What?

A couple of weeks ago my brother made a terrible mistake - he slept in. 
This wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't slept exam. 
He got to take the exam again - though his grade would be on a pass or fail basis. 
While my parents weren't impressed, I feel like they didn't give him the punishment that he probably should have deserved. He was mighty lucky to get to take the exam again - but with a pass/fail grade, my brother needed more than that to do well in this class. 

Fast forward a couple weeks later and he's been playing games ALL DAY! 
He's been doing nothing else - except for eating and whatnot. 

Yesterday his results arrived. 

There wasn't really a stand out class - and surprise, surprise he didn't do to well in this exam he missed. 
Actually he failed. 

This was the first time either one of us has actually failed a school subject. I'm still shocked that he actually managed to fail - it's unusual for anyone to fail anything at my old College/High School - they keep a close eye on you. 

But it's not really a wonder when I think about it. 
He plays games all night - on weekends; every opportunity he gets he plays Internet games with his friends. 

What's done, is done. And still he sits there playing his laptop. 

The thing that gets me though is that Mum and Dad didn't do anything about it. 
They weren't impressed (obviously) but apart from a quick 'this is very disappointing...' nothing else went down. So, still he sits - playing his game. 

He gets it from Mum - all she does nowadays is play her Ipad. Like, literally it's all she does is play games as well. She's even having a "rum night" to celebrate this war thing her alliance is having - so, bloody nerdy and stupid, right? 

My brother is in year 12 this year - and he's working towards his ATAR (his score) to get into a University. At this rate, I'm wondering if he'll even make a good enough grade - and what will happen if he keeps failing classes. 

He's almost an adult but he lacks in everything! He has no domestic skills; he can't iron for example, he has little social skills - no work skills. He's falling behind. 

I know that I'm the same - while I have some things under control, there's a lot in my life I need to get sorted; learning to drive for instants. 
I know how it feels to lack, and it sucks - I really don't want my brother to go down that same path. But I fear I might be too late. 


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