Friday 19 July 2013

Milkshake Meme

It's no secret I love memes. 
I could spend all day looking at them and I've even created my own - I'll leave that for another post though. 
Ages ago; like, a really long time folks, I saw a meme that a friend had posted on their wall. 
It was one of the Stare Dad memes - one I haven't seen much of, thus not a favourite. 
But I loved this one
Thank you & original creator - love it :)  

Today I was reminded of it again - and while only thinking about it I laughed at it...again. 
For those who don't understand it (there might be some of you) the meme is referencing Kelis' song Milkshake, which embarrassingly I have on my Ipod. 

It got me thinking of the song itself. I was only in year Five or so when it was released so a lot of the adult content was lost on me. 
I remember walking around school with a friend when she announced to me what 'milkshake' actually meant. I was shocked and impressed at the same time. 
Looking down at my own 'milkshakes' I came to the conclusion that they wouldn't be bringing any boys to my yard. 

Hell, I still think that now! 

And I was right. 

Looking back, I'm surprised (though a lot of it was lost on me anyway, like I said before) that I was listening to that type of music at such an age. 
I grew up in a house where rock music was like a god. When I listen to some of those rock lyrics now, I'm surprised I turned out as normal as I did. 

As an adult, I hate witnessing the music that Littlies are being subjected to. Typically, I believe that music is forever being more explicit and whatnot - a lot worse than the music that I listened to. 

It reminds me of something a Uni Lecturer told our class - kids are reaching puberty a lot earlier these days. 

And the music they listen to shows that.

But that's expected, isn't it? To think that those younger than you will end up worse than you did, because you know better, lived in a better time. 
While it's universally acknowledged that the older generation think this, what goes unrecognised that (even if it's only a couple of years) younger generations think the same of younger people than them.

Whoa, I've gone a tad away from memes, but it's all connected, I suppose. 

While I tut over the next over the top music sensation, I'll search for new memes. 

Keep an eye out folks! 

Got any favourite memes? 
Feel free to post a comment!  

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