Thursday 23 August 2012

Ah, It's been Ten Days!

It's been ten days since I've written my last post - that's over a week! (sorry, for saying the obvious)
But I do have an excuse...sort of.

I've been sick (aaww) and I've only just recovered; but not fully.

I hate being sick! And it doesn't happen often (thank God,) but when it does I seem to get it really bad - my body really needs time to shake it off.
And uni has only just gone back - so I had a day off. Which totally sucks, because they were tutorials, and I would have loved to have been able to go.
*so massive sad face there*

But, arg - it was that kind of sickness that you can't do anything for. No Panadole, or other drug will actually help, and you're kind of stuck and need to wade it out.
But as I said before, I think I'm getting better, *fingers crossed* - I seem to be getting better, and all I can hope for now, is that it doesn't come back - well, at least not any time soon.

* and yes, sorry for the self-indulgent post; I needed something to write about, and for the past couple of days, that has been the only thing that's been dominating my life. I promise that next time, I will come up with something better to write about.

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