Thursday 25 April 2013

Well, This Will Be Awkward. A Dinner With a Competition

Hey there. 
If this is your first time on this blog, may I just say "hi" first of all, and secondly, one thing you need to know about me, is that I'm a socially awkward person. 
For those who have read some of my previous posts, this would be apparent. 

So it's with this attribute that I freak out about tomorrow night. 
I've been invited to a party - no, that's not the bad thing. 
It's technically my friends second birthday party. She had one about a month ago, but because not many people showed up (busy lives, they have) she decided to throw another one - at a club. Not a night club, like an old people's club. 
As a Facebook event, and being fickle, I put myself down as a maybe. 
Despite throwing this party for people who couldn't come last time, it turns out that there's only going to be a few of us there anyway. 
I was talking to the Birthday Girl (well, if you could still call her that) only a few moments ago when she told me that a few of the people couldn't make it, and if I go, there will only be four of us. 

Naw, a cute, small get together.


Besides me and her, there are two others (I'm great at maths), two guys.
One was her ex-boyfriend - a Bogan apparently, who can be the bit of the jealous type. I've never met him. 
Guy Two is an old school pal, and coincidentally, also an ex of the Birthday Girl. He just recently asked her out again (twice) in which he received a no (twice). He also cried about it apparently (woose). 

Talk about awkward. 

So here's where the problems start. I know that tomorrow night will be a competition of testosterone as they battle it out (over the dinner table) getting an edge over the other ex. 
Birthday Girl will secretly enjoy it. 
I will sit there, with my lasagna, wishing that it was all over. 
There's a big part of me that will not go. I don't want to - I really don't. Because my Facebook thing is a maybe, I believe I'm in my right to turn around and say "I'm not coming." 
However, I know I'll be a crap friend if I don't go. Also it might be fun watching a Bogan and a woose fight it out over a bowl of garlic bread. 

But then there's the dancing. 

The great thing about this old people's club is the Latino beats they play to get those seniors moving. 
And so we plan to dance also. 
But it takes two to tango (not three) and I have no idea how the dancing will go. Even if we make our own dance circle, I don't think that's going to make things any less awkward. 

I'm torn. I don't know what to do, and I'm freaking out about tomorrow night. It's going to be awkward and it's going to be a competition all night. 

What would you do? Would you stay, or go? 

Have you been in a situation like this before? 

Please, let me know. I need all the advice I can get right now. 

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