Thursday 3 January 2013

Releasing The Gamer in Me - The Sims 2

During the holidays I've done many things.
Went to the beach. 
And ate some more. 

I haven't gamed much (bar from Neopets, which I don't know counts) so today I decided to embrace my gaming side and take out an old favourite. I picked The Sims. 
But which one? I have The Sims original on PlayStation various The Sims 2, and The Sims 3 on PC (my Mum had an addiction at one point; that's why we have so many). 
I picked PC, cause lets face it - those are the best. I also chose The Sims 2 original. 

Having that old, familiar Sims music that plays while it's loading brought back old memories and old characters I had created long ago - I remember this gay couple I created. They were probably my favourite. Oh, and all the old people. 

I chose to create my own neighbourhood. It saves me from having to talk to all the 'Mortimer's' and the 'Bob's' that go through the game. The other characters just annoy me. 
This also allows my characters to be friends/lovers/enemies/family to each other. 

So far I have two families - the Bachelors and the Bachelorettes. As you can see I'm going to pair them off. But with three women and two men - things are bound to get catty! 
While you play one household the occupants age. However the other households don't. So if you want them to all age together you have to rotate the houses you play and for the same length of time - which you don't want to be too long. 
This is an aspect of the game that annoys me. Having to play people you don't like so they can age can be frustrating and painful - especially if the people next-door are expecting a baby any day now. 

What I love his how personal and intimate you know your Sims. You can create their hopes and dreams, their fears. You know what they want in life and the sort of person they will be attracted to. This isn't as good as The Sims 3 (it's vastly improved) but much better than the original. 

Nothing much to say about the graphics. Obviously they also improve with each new The Sims, but Sims 2 graphics are pretty good - but I'm not fussed with that stuff anyway. 

Nothing beats The Sims. Being the #1 PC game of all time, that kind of speaks for itself doesn't it?
It's addictive. No one would doubt that. You get lost into a world very similar to your own - unless you want it vastly different from your own, which is doable too. 
You control everything - it gives you this power that entraps you and leaves you playing for hours; without any complaints of course. 
The game evolves, the characters in your game grow as does your neighbourhood. 
You can play it for half an hour or all day and whenever you choose to get off - when you come back, everything is as you left it. 

The Sims is something that only seems to get better. I also have The Sims Medieval - but I'll talk about that in it's own post; give it what it deserves. 

It's a game you can leave for years and then come back too. No matter what games you are into, how good a gamer you are, how long you have to play - The Sims benefits everyone's needs. 

Ew, I'm starting to sound like a salesman.

Basically - I was at my laptop all day playing The Sims, and it will probably be that way tomorrow was well. 
Sorry real life. Daydreamer has some characters to create. 

Sims away! 

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