Sunday 13 January 2013

The Die has Been Cast, and My Life Has Died a Little With it.

It has been over a week now. 
A week since a massive part of my life ended. 
Ripped away from me, like Velcro. As the soft end, there was nothing I could do to stop the sticky side from being torn away. The all familiar Velcro sound was devastating. 

Whoa, got a little carried away with the Velcro didn't I?
But I'm not lying about a massive part of my like coming to an end. 
Those who are familiar with my problem would understand completely.

Last week (last Sunday to be exact) a show aired it's final episode. Ever. It's done. Gone. Out of my life like some cruel lover. 

Merlin has finished. 

Apparently the creators thought 5 seasons would be enough to satisfy the hunger of the fans they created. But not mine. 

I guess it didn't help that I didn't know it was the final season (ever!) until five episodes to go; I've been having panic attacks ever since. 
I should have seen the signs. Ever since Uther died, it was only a matter of time before they wrapped things up. 

And boy wasn't season 5 a ripper. The cast (as always) were amazing. I also need to give a big thank you to the writers - I always promised my best friend that if I became a writer for Merlin I would make sure you saw a hot guy without a shirt on at least once every episode. And with the Knights of the Round Table established...that wasn't hard. 
Now obviously I didn't become a writer for Merlin. But the Merlin Writer Gods heard my prayer, and made sure, even though I didn't write it myself, that sexy men were a plenty. So thank you. 

Made sure it was a big picture. No need to thank me. 
The plot, from the beginning of season 5, was leading to the finale. And every step of the way was worth it. The Mordred a good guy? plot was surprisingly heartfelt, interesting and entertaining to watch - even if you were screaming at Merlin to give him a chance. 
Morgana was bad-ass as ever. And absolutely loved her.
I also noticed Gwen's dresses this season were more busty than ever. Something for the guys hey?

But the finale. I was screaming every commercial. And as the hour drew closer I was wondering how the hell they were going to finish it in time. 
We saw things we were waiting for all season - you know? The big THING. 
I loved that moment, the moments afterwards, Arthur's reactions, everything. Very realistic I thought. 
The battle scenes at the beginning when Merlin finally joins them is spectacular - the magic used there is awesome. 

But I have some serious downsides. 

*!!!!!* If you have not watched the season finale of Merlin and don't want anything to be spoilt....stop reading now. I'll give you a heads up when you can start reading again*!!!!!* 

Mordred's death - man was this anti-climatic. 
I can understand why it was so quick though; he has magic, so any prolonging of the fight would have caused him to use it and thus ending Arthur's life then and there. 
2 - Arthur was injured. So he wasn't in the best fighting state to begin with.
3 - it was crucial that Mordred be the one to stab Arthur in the first place. 

But the death of Morgana - THERE WAS NO EXCUSE. 
It's not like she didn't have a challenger...Merlin was right there. 
I can understand that they have to work with the time they've got - but as a loyal fan I would have rather cut some of the war out and given more time for Morgana's death - she deserves it after all. 
No magic? How was there NO MAGIC in the Merlin/Morgana face off? - obviously not including the part where she used it to fling him out of the way. 

But apart from those small quibbles I had no qualms. 

Things that got me crying. 

Arthur - oh Arthur, you have served us well. As our King, knight and boy toy. 
I honestly cannot write any more about you otherwise I'll start crying again.

Gwaine - basically the same thing as Arthur, but get rid of the king bit. 

And now, for the part I've been dreading to write about. 
That scene....
Yes don't act like it didn't happen! The very last thing we ever saw of Merlin was.....ah! I can't even write makes it real. Not even joking, when we saw the last scene from Merlin and the credits started rolling, my brother looked at me and went "you can't un-see it!" and he was right. It's all I see in my head now. It's seriously screwed me over. 

*!!!!!* You can come back now folks*!!!!!*

So in conclusion...Merlin really was amazing. It's been an epic 5 years and I'm scared about how I'm going to spend my Sunday evenings. Maybe I'll watch it all again from the very beginning....on DVD. Whoo, no ads. 
Just don't mention Merlin to me. 
My brother does it for his own amusement...he says 'Merlin finale' and I burst into tears. 
Kinda like 'open sesame' really. 

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