Tuesday 20 November 2012

It can't possibly be a Year Already?

Last week was my last week of Uni classes. 
I couldn't believe I've been a Uni student for a whole year! The year has seemed to go so fast. 
It's also been a year, since the end of year 12. 
I can't deny, I was sad to see that place go, and as my brother still goes there; I'm a bit jealous. But I am glad I'm not a college student any more. The freedom and world that is Uni is such an amazing experience, so I'm sad that classes are over. 
Two major assignment were handed in yesterday, and the last thing I need to do, is an exam I have later in the week. 
And then that's it. 
Till next year anyway. 
Three months away. 
And this is why I'm so sad. It hasn't really hit yet - but because I'm lame and don't have a social life; I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for three months! Now, my Mum would say "get a job, you slacker," but I really couldn't be bothered. And who wants to work in retail anyway? 
So I guess it would be a good time to rev up the blog posts, get this thing up and running again and start paying real attention to it. 
So I'm sending you a challenge to anyone who stumbles past this blog. 
From next week, I'll start to look at this regularily. 
If there is anything  you want me to blog about; let me know and I'll do it. 
Got a movie or book you want to share? A serious issue you want brought attention to? Or something tremendously silly - I'll blog about it. 

So just met me know. 

Or alternatively, check out my older blog posts. Some of them are actually good. 

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