Thursday 1 November 2012

Anniversary Celebrations; but not for me.

Been A while, I know. 
And really, I shouldn't be writing anything now (I have a ton of work to do, it's not even funny, and today I set myself the task of working my little butt off, but then I was confused about this thing and was trying to figure it out and by the end of the day, I still haven't got anywhere.) 

Whoa, what a long bracket sentence *my bad* 
Also, this will be really informal - all the essays I've been doing, plus my writing, plus uni's writing...arg! 
I'm amazed the first thing I want to do is write more! 

But I feel bad for neglecting this poor little thing; with small posts, little views and no comments or followers. *Why do I have a blog again?*

The topic of today's post is a congratulatory one. 
Today my parents celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. *cheers, Champaign popping, glasses tinkering* - you know that kind of noise. 

I'm so proud of my parents and lucky to have them. Growing up, (at one stage) all of my friendship group's parents were divorced and they lived with their mums. They also never, or very little, saw their dads. 
I'm grateful, that my parents are very much in love (ew, OK, don't want to think about that.) 

So today, it was sad to see Mum trodding off to work early this morning, while Dad stayed home (he's "sick.") Actually, no really he is; you'll be glad to know that he's getting better *I think it's the alcohol* 
They spent the day apart. Mum rang earlier today, and they talked on the phone for hours *glad to know Mum's actually working*
And when she got home, they opened champagne and have been celebrating ever since. 
And it's only 6pm. 
We're staying home and take away will be arriving shortly (something special, like Indian; not the run of the mill Maccas or anything ew.) 

So, basically; congrats to Mummy and Daddy - and I hope in another 20 years, you guys are just as happy. *But hopefully, I wont still be living in the same house* 

Oh dear God - did I just jinx myself? 


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