Tuesday 13 August 2013

Midnight Drives and Responsible Decisions.

Last night I was invited to go for a midnight drive with one of my mates. 
Not a 'makin' mayhem' type of drive where the passengers are up to no good - this was a 'need to get out of the house and the situation I'm in drive' where we go to a location and relax; no rough housing at all. 
Luckily for me (though I didn't know this at the time) I had Uni in the morning, it was cold and to be honest, I really didn't want to go. So I declined. 
I declined despite I knew that there would be a special guest. 
So there was my friend (the driver), a mutual friend of ours - and the guest; a man friend of the driver, who (she made clear) was very single. 
Despite my cat-like curiosity I stayed home and today messaged her about how it went. 
The guest didn't go - after I was going she told him not to bother. OK definitely a set up situation. 
I wasn't up to coyness so I asked who he was. She told me. 
Now I've never met him personally and there was a reason why:
Not only is he an ex of the setter-upper-er, he's a douche (took her on dangerous car rides (go figure)) and a complete bogan/country arse. 

She tried to set me up with him!? 

Not only was a receiving her leftovers but she knew what he was like and that we would be TOTALLY wrong for each other in absolutely every way. 

I think there's something more going on here - there's no way she though we would actually date or that I would even consider him - it just wouldn't happen. 
I'm now starting to doubt her motives. 
Like some screwed over, retired spy - urgh. there's something wrong with me. 

I always thought being set up by a friend would be exciting, fun and he'd be my perfect match. But this was wrong on so many levels. 
I'm super glad I didn't go on last nights drive; I hate to think how I would have taken it at the time (over the computer was bad enough). 

She's not one of my favourite friends - she's full of drama and melodramas over everything. She only hangs out with me and a guy friend of ours. Our other friends are smart enough to keep their distance - maybe I should do the same. 

Thank God I have Uni to distract me. 

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