Saturday 9 February 2013

Bogan Boys and Babies.

I know I get a lot of traffic from overseas, so for those fortunate people that don't have to contend with the horror that is, a 'Bogan', here's what I'm talking about. 

Sexy, aren't they? 

The reason these Bundy drinking, F word swearing, sub-woofers pumping, C bomb dropping bastards are the topic of conversation today, is because I am lets be neighbours with lads like these. 
And It's really starting to get to me. 
They always have fights, rev up their shitty cars really loudly, have a horrible dog; which is gone into detail Here, smoke weed (and other illicit drugs, no doubt), drink till they're pissed, and fix up cars in their backyard (which is illegal by the way). 
*If there's any Australian cops reading this and wish to investigate, I'd be happy to oblige, just get into contact. 
Anyway; I could literally go on all day complaining about them. And this is basically why this post exists. 

Today I was hanging out the washing when I heard them outside. They were swearing (of course) and as the conversation went on, these two testosterone-d filled men got more and more angry with each other.
Needless to say I quickly hung out the washing and ran inside. 
A couple of days ago I was reading and I could here two dogs fighting. My neighbours dogs. My neighbours all the while laughed and cheered as the two dogs went each other. I'm pretty sure that's also illegal; well at the very least RSPCA should check it out. 
Australia Day - AKA Bogan Day. Parties like you wouldn't believe; crazy. I don't even want to go into detail. 

If you haven't guessed already, A Bogan isn't something you want to strive to be. But some strange, low aspiring people in Australia do. 
There are different levels of Bogan's, and the occasional soft Bogan is totally OK to deal with. 

What I always find funny are TV portrayals of the Bogan. However experiencing them in real life is not funny at all. Most of the time it's downright frightening. 

It also disturbs me when people from overseas (yeah, I'm talking to you) thinks all Aussies are, are Bogan's in Kangaroo 

So basically, in conclusion, my life is made a living hell by the stereotype that is a Bogan. Because not only do I have a Bogan family on one side of my fence. There's another Bogan family on the other. 

*I'd just like to say, I'm not a case you were wondering. 

** Also if you are a Bogan...sorry if I offended you. I also congratulate you if you're able to read this; well done. Also, cover up that Southern Cross tattoo. 

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