Monday 21 May 2012

Kicking It Old School. Mr Miyagi Style

A couple of weeks ago, I sat down with my Dad and we watched one of my favourite movies. The Karate Kid.                                           

For those who don’t know the story (and please, for the love of God, if you have not seen this movie – please rush out and buy it, cause you’ll want to watch it over and over) begins with a journey (literally) by a mother, her son and their old, never-starts-on-its-own car.
They’ve moved to California, where Daniel’s (our protagonists) life isn’t going so well.
The pretty, rich girl Ali, takes his eye early, but of course this lands him as a target from Ali’s ex Johnny.
Unfortunately for Daniel, Johnny is a part of a martial arts group, The Cobras, who as a group start picking on Daniel.
*ok picking on is a bit soft – they literally beat the shit out of him.
Entre Mr. Miyagi – The maintenance guy, who fixes their sink, Daniel’s bike, and becomes a person Daniel, can go to, to get away from it all.
But of course the old man isn’t all he seems, and this Okinawan, is a specialised martial arts genius, who agrees to help Daniel to learn martial arts.
Ok, I’m going to stop the brief overview there.
You’ve probably have already seen it, and if you haven’t  - watch it!

The reason for the post is because of its 80’s humour, clothing, style, which (for me at least) never gets old.
No matter how many times I watch this movie, I still laugh at all the funny things Mr Miyagi says. 
I still cheer at the end, and feel I can overcome anything myself, if only Mr Miyagi was there to help.
But that’s it.
I have no Mr Miyagi.
Maybe that’s why, a couple of nights ago, I found myself watching the second one.
If only Mr Miyagi was around to help me. And teach me kick ass moves while h'es at it.

Again, the second one still has that classic humour, style, and 80’s vibe.
People say the second of things, never rises up to its predecessor, but with the Karate Kid II, it definitely does.
Even if the storyline has its predictabilities, you can never go past what the movie offers.
Drama, tears, laughter, beautiful scenery, catchy one-liners you’ll remember forever and of course Mr Miyagi…and his awesomeness. 
Because let’s face it (and I know I’m losing my cred here) but Mr Miyagi is just damn awesome! 

He makes the Karate Kid movies, without him they would be nothing (sorry Ralph) and the success for the Karate Kid was due to him.  

So thankyou Pat Morita, for bringing Mr Miyagi to life – for showing us that we can defeat the bad guy, win the girl (or guy thanks) and do it with a kicking soundtrack.

And please, if you haven’t seen it, I urge you to do so. Like, right now.

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