Sunday, 23 November 2014

Where the hell have I been?

So it's been a while.

And one thing has dominated my life.

It's not Uni.

Or work.

Or a boyfriend.

It's an illness.

And I don't know what it is.


Ok, so I wrote this back in September. And that's as far as I got before I stopped.

It's now late November and I know exactly what it was that was dominating my life. And it continues. 

I found out in October that I have Crohn's Disease and to say I'm struggling with it, would be an understatement. 

I've decided to start a new blog that will go through my journey with Crohn's which I may or may not link. Probably not though. 

I will keep this blog alive however. I figured this would still be a great place to vent and sing away from my new responsibilities. And maybe when I'm not so dominated by what I'm going through I'll be able to write on here more. 

Though don't give up on me. I may continue to write regardless - Christmas is coming up and I wouldn't be turned off from writing about this movie again

In the time that I have had this blog I have wracked up 1200 or so page views - which isn't so bad considering I tripe on about nothing. 

Anyway, I couldn't leave the post I started in September unfinished. And I owed the people who might actually read this for some reason an explanation to where I had gone. 

You may also notice I'm called Crohnserella now and not the old DayDreamer - you can thank the new blog for that.