Today my body and I reached a milestone.
Ten years today (well around this time - well this month ten years ago) I got my period.
I have had my period for a decade!
I know for others this will not a be an exciting post, and seeing as I haven't written in ages, I know you deserve something better. And when Uni is finished I will come back and write something with substance - I swear. I already have some post ideas lined up.
But this post is all about my little achievement and that I'm really excited about this. I know it sounds weird.
Seeing as we still have a society where women still feel the need to hide a normal bodily function; from men, friends, family and themselves. And seeing as this time of the month on any other occasion would suck!, I thought I'd bring some light to the world and happily announce to you all my milestone with my body.
Here's a cat.
And a round of applause if you got the innuendo there :)