Saturday, 7 September 2013

Speedo Warrior has Won. Someone Get me Out of Here!

The Australian election has come and gone. 
For overseas people, the idea that a campaign could run for 6 weeks seems like too long. For Australians, we couldn't agree more. 
As an Australian, I can't even say there was a campaign; all the parties really did was bag out each other, made promises they don't have money for, and kept their real ideas behind closed doors. 
It was a sad thing to watch. 
Finally yesterday Australian's could put pencil to paper and with only a couple of minutes of their time, make a decision that could impact the rest of the country for another four years. 
I voted :D well, you have to here, but I honestly love voting. There's something about getting your say on how you will live and run your life (on a national scale) that is very empowering. 
So we all voted.
And it seems that Australian's voted with their eyes closed. 

With every fibre in my body, do I regret to inform you, that my new Prime Minister, the man who will be running my country, is this man...

thank you to the Herald Sun.
Tony Abbott and his team now get to screw the Australian people over with his traditional ideals, spending cuts and home wrecking policies. 
It's only been a few hours since it was announced and already people are getting ready for the cyclone that is The Liberal Party. 
If you can't tell, I'm a tad disappointed with this new government. 
Personally I'm worried about my education - University cuts are soon to ensue, 
and with the Canberra economy predicted to reach a recession, I'm worried for my job as well. 
It is predicted that 12,000 public servant jobs will be scratched - both my parents, plus other family members work in the public service. 
Liberal announced cuts on age care - something either of my grandparents will be able to handle. 
And there's more to come. 
Holy crap, I'm actually scared. 

What worries me most though, is when Abbott goes overseas and talks with other world leaders. 
He has the political grace of a elephant on ice-skates. 

Australia is going to look like the dumbest country ever. 

Maybe I should move to New Zealand.....

Monday, 2 September 2013

Seeking Shelter at the Hipster Bar

Despite my small town, we have more than a few places that cater for the Hipster crowd. 
One of these is known simply as the Hipster Bar - I've mentioned the place in certain posts before. 
On Saturday I went there again. 
It was 11 O'clock. Waiting for other friends to show up, the Pixie and I decided to go to the Hipster Bar and relax before we meet up with the rest of the group. 
The place was crowded. Full of dirty Hipsters. Blah. 
And for the first time I actually saw a band there. I have no idea what they were called and all the members were too old to have a crush I paid little attention. 
Then we got a text from the rest of the group and we left. 
We went to a more mainstream, popular bar where you get groped while you dance and have little room to move. I was ready to dance, but an awkward encounter from an ex-best friend had me running out of that bar like a little five year old. 
I needed to go somewhere where that little skank would never be seen dead in. 
I sought shelter. 
At the Hipster Bar. 
For Christ sakes, even the band was still playing!
So there I sat as I watched the band play, with a Hipster Chick with a brunette afro danced with a skinny guy that was hardly male - even now I'm still not sure. 
We clapped at the end of each song and eventually the band left. 
I sat with The Pixie, who kindly ran after me when I caught my eyes on the ex-best friend skank. 
The Bar was warm, cosy, people (no matter how weird they seemed) laughed, talked, no judging or criticising. Guys were only coming onto me at a distance. I liked hanging out there. 
Oh Holy Jesus. 
 I refuse to call this place my hangout. I don't want to be a hipster! I know I'm not - and judging by the outfit tastes of me compared to the fair maidens on Saturday - I don't think they'd call me one either. 
it does worry me that when I was upset and drunk in confusion, that's the place I wanted to go. 
Is this a Hipster Transformation in progress? 
