Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Just a Quicky to Prove I'm Alive.

Well, I wasn't joking. 
I can't even tell you how long it's been. And I've been a very busy bee. Basically the only thing I've been doing though is uni - but in my defence; it's a lot of work. 
This week is a mid semester brake (woohoo a week off) and I decided I had time to come back and write to you all. 
In my little thought bubble I have a few ideas on what upcoming posts will be about; including book reviews, rants (boy I love those) and other random thoughts. Which I would love to do today....but; I could go on forever, and I don't have the time (I know, I can here your "aws" from here). 
But this bee has (over the last couple of days) struck disaster. 

I'm sick. 

I feel horrible and crap. When my nose isn't blocked, it's running like a tap. Not to mention it looks a lot like Rudolph's. My throat has a tickle monster in it, which won't leave. My head hurts - don't laugh I really do feel awful. 

The only thing in my favour is that I don't have to go anywhere this week. I can stay at home and try with all my might to get better. Which isn't as hard as you think - if you don't already know, I love nothing better, than doing nothing. I pride myself on it actually. 
So it should be easy for me to get better right?

It's already been a couple of days. I've been drinking so much water, I can't believe I haven't drowned. I've eating so many mandarin's I have a citrus-y sent wherever I go. Which isn't out in public thank God. 

Ah! I literally just sneezed just now. Massive sad face for me, because this is a serious sickness. It's not like those ones where you feel a little sick, but you play it up to get out of school (ah, good times) or the ones where it doesn't effect anything you do, because it's not actually that bad - you can still soldier on. 

I feel like shit all the time and there's nothing to do but to wade it out. *sigh* 
Well, as long as I get better by next week (uni week) I'll be happy. 

So if you're reading this and also feel under the weather. I here you. And could you pass me a tissue?