Thursday, 30 August 2012

Sadness: Going on A Brake

Well, for those who don't know, uni has begun in full flight, and it was only a couple of days ago that I realised that I have a lot of work to do. 
Assignments, weekly readings, writings, assignments. There's a lot of stuff I have to get started on. 

So I'm going on hiatus, and I'm not to sure when I'll be coming back. But hopefully it's soon. 
If I'm able, there might be a post here and there, or if I'm so sick of working, I might just update for fun...but I highly doubt it. 
The assignments are really testing this semester, and I think that I am definitely have to put the hard yards in to make the grade...literally. 

So farewell. Adios and addiju (that's goodbye in Maltese.) 

And wish me luck. There's going to be so much reading. So Much. 

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Ah, It's been Ten Days!

It's been ten days since I've written my last post - that's over a week! (sorry, for saying the obvious)
But I do have an excuse...sort of.

I've been sick (aaww) and I've only just recovered; but not fully.

I hate being sick! And it doesn't happen often (thank God,) but when it does I seem to get it really bad - my body really needs time to shake it off.
And uni has only just gone back - so I had a day off. Which totally sucks, because they were tutorials, and I would have loved to have been able to go.
*so massive sad face there*

But, arg - it was that kind of sickness that you can't do anything for. No Panadole, or other drug will actually help, and you're kind of stuck and need to wade it out.
But as I said before, I think I'm getting better, *fingers crossed* - I seem to be getting better, and all I can hope for now, is that it doesn't come back - well, at least not any time soon.

* and yes, sorry for the self-indulgent post; I needed something to write about, and for the past couple of days, that has been the only thing that's been dominating my life. I promise that next time, I will come up with something better to write about.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Bus Encounters 2

One of my first posts was about an encounter with an elderly man I had on the bus one time (if you wish to read it - it's down the post list - pretty sure it's March) and today I had another unusual encounter - not on the bus - but at the interchange. 

Naturally it was one of those people talking about Religion - but they don't talk about that. 
They greet you with a friendly hello and ask you how your day has been. 
This one (I don't know for how long) was standing in front of me when I looked up. Thinking it was someone I knew I made eye contact - and he was in like Flynn. 

Next thing I knew he was asking me questions about everything. I think he thought I was a juvenile delinquent that needed saving. Once he realised that I was a normal adult that doesn't need saving, I think he realised he was wasting his time - I knew what he wanted, and I had no intention to fall for it.   

In fact, I turned the tables on him and began to ask him questions. 
I asked him stuff about him, where he'd travelled, and mentioned the badge he was wearing - asking if what he does was fun. 

By the time the bus arrived, he hadn't mentioned The Church, or talked to me about religion at all. 
Turning the tables for the win!!!! 

Sunday, 12 August 2012

The Brightest Review in This Blog

Hey guys, so basically this is a book review on...*drum roll please* 

I've been a fan of Marian Keyes now for a few number of years. 
I started reading her books at 13 and now at 19, I've read more than a few. 

One book Mum placed on the shelf years ago now, was Brightest Star in the Sky, but was one I hadn't read until a couple of days ago. 

And boy is it a doozey! 

I wont go on about the storyline, but it does take place in an apartment block, in which four different relationships live on a floor.
They fall in and out of love (a line from the back of the book) and it follows the stories of the people living on the four floors. 

With EVERY Keyes book I have read, I find that once I've started it, I find it tremendously hard to put down - and I'm not joking, or making a comment on how good it is - I literally struggle to stop reading it, because I HAVE to know what is going to happen next. 
As plots twist and turn, here and there, and you're starting to get towards the end, you wonder where it's going to end, what's going to happen to this/or those people, and you're hoping for a happy ending. And with four different stories...that's a lot of wondering. 

The chapters go in a formation of sorts. One chapter contains one couple, then the next another. You go through the different story line's and once you've had a taste for all of them you find yourself at the first one again. It varies here and there, but essentially follows the different stories all at the same time - which you know this because the chapters are marked by days - very ingenious. 
I found myself glued to one couple, and wanted to read the other chapters fast until I came back around to them again. 
But in saying that all the characters are funny, realistic and have a great storyline to follow - and naturally some of them overlap into each others lives, which is fun. 

What's great about Brightest Star in the Sky, is this "character" that we follow from the beginning - we're unsure about who or what it is, but it's definitely not a seeing person. 
They keep you on track, and you almost forget it's there - until we near the end, when there job is  made clear - which totally surprised me! 
When I finally figured it out, I think I actually screamed (literally out loud) in shock. 

The book was published in 2009 and I'm kicking myself for not reading it sooner - I know it will definitely be one to read again. 

With a few more of Keyes' books on the shelf I (ashamedly) haven't read yet, I can't wait till I start reading another.
And if you want a great read - as long as you don't mind being sucked into this world she has created - I highly recommend Brightest Star in the Sky. 

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

London Olympics 2012

Well I did have to mention it, didn't I?
I can't have a blog about random thoughts, when the Olympics have been on my mind, and then not write something about it. 
But there's my problem; where do I start?
And, am I even allowed to blog about the Olympics?
Well, if that doesn't get me into trouble - this might: 

Google Images.

Well, the logo is a good place to start - I love it. End of. 
The colours go well, the placing of 2012 is smart, and I love the placing of the rings. 
When I first saw the logo, there was a bit of "hm's" and "um's" but I've really gotten used to it. 

Google Images
Ah, who didn't love the literature part of the ceremony? 
With the girl reading under the covers, evil villains coming to life, in one massive stadium takeover... just reminiscing about it now, makes me want to start reading some of those classic books. 
And Voldemort? Kinda lame, but still great entertainment...still I would have liked to have seen Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort for one last time. 
Then Mary Poppins saves the day....ah, great times. 
Easily the best part of the Opening Ceremony...well for me anyway. 

The games haven't been without it's hiccups. The NZ place catching on fire during a party is one; with disgraced players (from different countries) being sent home from cheating. 
Then there's always the rumours about doping, but I wont get into that here. 

There have been highs and lows - tears of both joy and grief.
We watch the athletes push their bodies to extreme lengths, as they fight it out to be the best. 
We've seen the worlds heart stop - making sure we don't miss a second.
Watched an array of events and sports.
Been apart of the action - even if we are half a world away. 

And we've still got four days to go. 

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Why is Writing so Hard?

I'm writing something. Not something huge - it begun as a hobby. Then I got into it more and more, and I have decided this idea is a good thing to write about. 

If you can't tell, I like to write. 

Arg! Even that beginning is stupid! 
I don't know why I thought writing up a new post would be a good idea. 
In fact, I don't think it is - but I have to write something. 
I have decided that I want to write at least 1,000 words a day - whether it's on here (probably won't be - sorry, just being honest) whether it's all for fun, or if I decide to get serious about something. 
I love to write and I really should be doing it more often - but sometimes it's just so hard! 

Like today.
To begin with, writing about this idea was a good one. I was flowing pretty good (oh dear - that was not a good comment, flowing pretty good - seriously?) 
But instead of flowing, I began scrutinising everything I write - like this for example. 
And now, the thought of continuing with what I was writing about is killing me. 

Sometimes I can write for hours, and it feels like only a couple of minutes. 
Other times (like today) I've only been writing for minutes, but boy, how it feels like hours. 

Hmm, maybe my goal of 1,000 a day will b tougher than I think.