I always make a plan to watch it, but I always find myself too late - or see the winner on the news after it's all wrapped up.
So I was excited this year, to have heard about Euro12 ahead of time and made plans to watch it. And I did.
Ah, Eurovision - how I've missed thee.
I'd like to break down the events - but I wont. Instead i'll point out some highlights and stand out moments you will need to be up to date with the rest of the world.
Moment Number 1:
Well ok, it's not exactly a moment, but something to always watch are the hosts.
This year we had three of them - one of which was apart of the group that won last year.
As usual, they were not a disapointment. They were energetic, loud and passionate.
They also had that dorkyness, lameness and failed humour that every Eurovision host brings to the table.
This year they had the challenge of speaking french. They (on occassion) had to speak french and see how well they could pull it off. Why they did this I have no idea.
Moment 2:
Sorry, again, not a moment - more something to know (if you have any chance of being knowledgable on Eurovision) is where it is held.
This year it was held in Azerbaijan - in the lovely city of Baku.
Nothing to say here really, except the scenery is absolutely beautiful.
Moment 3:
This is both something to know and a moment - The winner of Eurovision 2012.
For anyone who might not know, it was the lovely Loreen from Sweden, with her song, Euphoria.
With catchy lyrics (I'm still singing them) and a beat that sounds very familiar (no joke, it sounds like a song you'd hear on V, or Hot 30, or something) Euphoria won the hearts of Europe, and won by 70 (or was it 90) votes; well it was something around those lines - in other words, she won pretty convincingly.
Here's the song if you want to listen.
Moment 4:
Filled with warmth each of them brings (or was it the oven prop in the background) these adorable ladies shook their stuff in front of millions of people. Bravo!
Beginning with a slow melody, I cringed as I thought Oh no, not a slow, granny song for three minutes.
But then - almst out of nowhere, the beat picked up, the audienced stood on thier feet, and the grannies began to ance and sing uptempo.
Hooray! The atmosphere was lively as the grannies sang and danced thier way through one of my favourite songs.
Like the winner, this was a song I couldn't get out of my head.
Moment 5:
Like every Eurovision we decide which ones are good...and which ones are not.
Instead of giving you a list of the countries that I deem shocking, and the songs I would rather forget, I will instead give honerouble mentions to those who I thought could have won.
The list - in random order:
Moment 6:
Another country which I thought did extrememly well and a country that sits dear on my heart is Malta.
This is the Night, was their song and performed great by Kurt Calleja and his band.
The lyrics were catchy, the beat uptempo, and all-in-all a marvelous performance.
Now, even though I may be a little bias, I'm not as bias as you might think.
When they first entred the stage, I was horrified - Malta doesn't exactly have a good record. And when I think back to previous entries I remember: wierd &/or boring.
But when these guys took the stage I was pleasently suprised to see the crowd was loving it - and more suprisingly...so was I.
So well done Malta, I'm very proud of you.
and well done to all the contestents - for making Eurovision 2012 a huge success...
So I hope I have given you all you need to know about Eurovision 2012.
If you missed it, you can still see the preformances via the Eurovision website and judge the countries for yourselves.
I'll post Malta's entry on here too, so you can dance to such a great song.
But for now...I'll see you next year in Sweden!