I'm putting it down in the blog books - Daydreamer is gonna get in shape!
Need to get Summer ready?
Had a little too much pudding this Christmas season?
Haven't exercised in...well God knows?
Starting to get a little soft around the edges?
Well that's me all right.
Trust me, this 'exercise' thing is way over due for me. I mean, I'm not fat or anything, but after a few to many mince pies and a couple of extra scoops of Brandy Butter (fuck, I love that stuff) I'm starting to get a little 'marshmallow man'.
I'm positive over the years (thanks to 'bye byes' of P.E) I've slowing been putting more and more weight on - but that's natural right?
I go through these stages - feel great, love my body...
Actually, I believe I have a positive and healthy outlook towards my body.
I think I look pretty sexy most of the time (when I'm looking good) and I don't think I'm repulsive or anything.
I have my 'ew' days (who doesn't?)
Then I go through these stages; where I look down (sorry stomach) and I think maybe I should get in shape again.
And this is when I exercise. Nothing excessive (Lord, I couldn't do that, even if I wanted to) but I start to move my body and get that little bum back into shape.
I even notice my eating improves and I drink more water too.
And then...it stops.
Whether it's lack of motivation, lack of time, or (more truthfully) I get lazy; the exercise stops and the stomach comes creeping back.
I've known for ages that my stomach is a little rounder than it used to be. My butt is starting to stick out a little too far - not that I'm complaining about that. My arms are starting to demonstrate those of a lunch ladies - or for overseas readers - bat wings. And I'm finally understanding the expression 'thunder thighs'.
I hope for anyone reader this (and if you've made it this far, I congratulate you) that I don't sound like a whiny, skinny, Barbie girl who doesn't know the meaning of the word obese.
I'm literally the most average girl - though technically I'm a women - you'll ever meet, who (after some indulgence eating and couch sitting) might want to do some physical activity once in a while.
So it starts today.
I've plugged the Wii back into the T.V and I'm going to start doing some exercise. Whoo.
I'm making it a blog post so that if I wander off my plan (inevitable really) I'll look at this and go "oh yeah, Daydreamer away!" and jump back on the healthy truck.
And with the new year approaching it's the perfect time to make changes.
Wish me luck.
I would also like to point out I think I swore for the first time on Thought Bubble.
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Pudding and Brandy Butter Resolutions. Give me an F. I. T.
Eating Patterns,
New Years,
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Who Let That Dog In?
I had a scary moment yesterday.
But first some background info.
I have two dogs. One of which is badly behaved. He looks like butter could melt in its mouth - when it comes to humans, that's true. Other dogs however...
There's a dog (a new puppy) that has been living next door.
Our fence that separates the two backyards is unstable, frail and has loose paling's.
The neighbours said dog is a Norwegian Ridgeback (a dangerous dog).
Can you see where I'm going with this?
Yes, their dog got into our yard, and boy, did we have fun ripping the dogs away from each other and putting the dog back over the fence - after our neighbours jumped the fence and lifted the dog over it.
I was scared shitless.
It might be a puppy now, but sooner or later he wont be.
I researched a Norwegian Ridgeback. The Internet said something about "fighting dogs into submission."
Holy crap.
So basically I'm venting, I'm so scared and I've been so worried since yesterday afternoon.
I honestly don't know what to do.
Any ideas?
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Love Actually is All Around
I love Love Actually.
It was on TV last night and I jumped at the opportunity to watch it again.
It's one of my favourite Christmas movies.
It's romantic, funny, sad, serious, light, greatest cast ever, the cutest story lines, sexy...man I could go on.
This post has no purpose but this,
I want to watch it again!!!
Hm, maybe I should ask Santa for it this year...
It was on TV last night and I jumped at the opportunity to watch it again.
It's one of my favourite Christmas movies.
It's romantic, funny, sad, serious, light, greatest cast ever, the cutest story lines, sexy...man I could go on.
This post has no purpose but this,
I want to watch it again!!!
Hm, maybe I should ask Santa for it this year...
Google Images |
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
The Downsides to Being a Hermit
Choosing to live the hermit life is hard.
Firstly, one tends to pick this life after experiencing what it's like to have friends. And as hermit life tends to creep up on its victim, these "friends" haven't yet realised the path you have taken.
Unfortunately the hermit life was forced on me.
I desperately wish to go out - but my hermit-induced soul will not let that happen.
Luckily for this part of my body, the rest of me doesn't have to will power to break free. I also contain other characteristics which help fuel my hermit ways.
- I have few friends (I've touched on this before, so lets not go back there.)
- I don't drive (also something touched upon before.)
- I'm a worrier.
- I tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive.
- I don't work.
- I never leave the house.
As you can tell, I'm a delightful person to be around. But I wasn't always like this. At the start of last year, most of these things weren't on my list (not being able to drive, nor work, were still on the list) but the others weren't even an issue. I was engaged with real life dealings, would talk through my issues with real people and not that of a computer screen, would leave the house at least five days a week, would regularly attend parties and was always seen as the "funny one" (funny here being ha ha and not weird).
It is this person, that these friends still believe I am. And was why, yesterday, I received a birthday invite from one of them.
I haven't talked to most of them in over a year.
Some I departed with on bad terms.
They all still talk to each other regularly.
My #1 arch frenemy - someone who was a friend but wasn't, isn't invited - so I don't know what this means.
I don't know how to get there (I don't drive remember).
Or get home.
I don't even know if any of them actually like me any-more. Maybe they are hoping that I wont show.
But with only a few days to make up my mind - things are not looking good for Daydreamer . HELP.
Firstly, one tends to pick this life after experiencing what it's like to have friends. And as hermit life tends to creep up on its victim, these "friends" haven't yet realised the path you have taken.
Unfortunately the hermit life was forced on me.
I desperately wish to go out - but my hermit-induced soul will not let that happen.
Luckily for this part of my body, the rest of me doesn't have to will power to break free. I also contain other characteristics which help fuel my hermit ways.
- I have few friends (I've touched on this before, so lets not go back there.)
- I don't drive (also something touched upon before.)
- I'm a worrier.
- I tend to focus on the negative rather than the positive.
- I don't work.
- I never leave the house.
As you can tell, I'm a delightful person to be around. But I wasn't always like this. At the start of last year, most of these things weren't on my list (not being able to drive, nor work, were still on the list) but the others weren't even an issue. I was engaged with real life dealings, would talk through my issues with real people and not that of a computer screen, would leave the house at least five days a week, would regularly attend parties and was always seen as the "funny one" (funny here being ha ha and not weird).
It is this person, that these friends still believe I am. And was why, yesterday, I received a birthday invite from one of them.
I haven't talked to most of them in over a year.
Some I departed with on bad terms.
They all still talk to each other regularly.
My #1 arch frenemy - someone who was a friend but wasn't, isn't invited - so I don't know what this means.
I don't know how to get there (I don't drive remember).
Or get home.
I don't even know if any of them actually like me any-more. Maybe they are hoping that I wont show.
But with only a few days to make up my mind - things are not looking good for Daydreamer . HELP.
Saturday, 8 December 2012
A Radio Station's Massive Prank. A Hospital's Massive Mistake.
I can't believe I have to talk about this.
Have you ever played a phone prank? You know the ones; calling someone up pretending to be someone else and seeing how much you can get away with before they hang up, discover who you are or, alternatively, start throwing abuse at you.
What about pretending to be the Queen of England and her son, Prince Charles?
Well this was the case for two Australian DJ's and now...It's flooding my news feed.
For overseas readers, I here this news has made it to you too. That a little Sydney broadcasting station is now headline news all over the world. But for those who don't know what I'm talking about or for those people who know a little, I'll catch you all up.
Now firstly, I want to talk to you about this for a number of reasons.
1 - I'm Australian, I know the female involved (not personally of course, but she was also the host of The Top 30 Countdown, which I enjoy on a Saturday morning).
2 - It's flooding up my news feed. All breaking news involves the Presenters and/or the nurses involved - which I'll get to in a second.
3 - It has been blown way out of proportion and I think people are getting lost in fact and conspiracies.
4 - It involves a tragic loss and I want to give my own condolences - done properly and not in the form of abuse.
Now the story:
Two radio presenters rang up the British hospital where Kate was staying (with severe morning sickness) pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles.
To their surprise the receptionist put them through to Kate's ward, where a nurse answered the phone.
They asked how their "daughter-in-law" was going and if she was well.
The Nurse said (Kate) was sleeping and that she was feeling better; along with other information.
The radio hosts where dumbfounded.
The hospital fell for their dodgy accents and they had even given them information on the Princess.
It was a massive prank.
People around Australia where laughing while the rest of the world (especially the Mother Land) were furious! It made all sorts of headlines as the news read of a massive mistake and a massive prank.
Big news - but something that would have blown over in a couple of days.
And then, a terrible loss struck.
The nurse who was involved in the prank died of (what I believe was) suicide.
What was just a prank has now become a sad, sad story that should be recognised.
There are talks of the hospital suing the radio station.
The presenters have been sacked.
Advertisement has been pulled from the station.
And today I read that Mel and Michael (the hosts involved) are now getting counselling after being in an intense fragile state.
Some things I need to get off my chest:
The nurse,Jacintha Saldanha, 46, took her own life due to depression - now this is what I'm getting from my news, and this is all reporting allegations.
People have linked the prank to the reason she killed herself. We don't know this was the case.
I have no doubt that the scolding she would have gotten from her manager, her boss, even the head of the hospital, would have been severe. Surely they must have known about her fragile state and what happened wasn't her fault.
The cast irons they would have dished on her would have been harsh - and nobody deserves that, especially a hard working women such as herself.
Does anyone blame them? Do they look to them and are they suspects for pushing Ms Saldanha over the edge?
As you can imagine, social media has gone wild.
Tweets have gone off the hook, labelling the hosts as "murderers" and saying things like "they have blood on their hands."
Both have deleted their Twitter accounts and have gone into hiding basically.
There is a Facebook page known as, RIP Jacintha Saldanha. Shame upon those stupid Australian DJs, which has been bombarded with hateful messages.
The Royal family, have made no formal complaint to the hospital nor the radio station, and seemed not to bothered by the events (this was before the death of Ms Saldanha.).
The prank was stupid.
Pranks are always stupid. I personally don't see the attraction into fooling somebody for your own humour-filled benefit.
The loss of the nurse is tragic and my condolences go to her family, friends and colleagues, and sorry that her death is publicised for the world to witness.
The hospital needs better protocols for this. It's their fault that this happened and the receptionist who picked the phone up should get her hearing checked out.
To Mel and Michael - if you could take it back, you would. I believe you are truly sorry for what happened and that the world is watching your every move.
And to anyone who posted anything hurtful about the indecent - put a lid on it.
The hosts have suffered enough.
The hospital has suffered enough.
And Ms Saldanha's family has suffered more than enough.
Please, let it go, and hopefully this will bring awareness to depression, and the pain it can inflict.
Have you ever played a phone prank? You know the ones; calling someone up pretending to be someone else and seeing how much you can get away with before they hang up, discover who you are or, alternatively, start throwing abuse at you.
What about pretending to be the Queen of England and her son, Prince Charles?
Well this was the case for two Australian DJ's and now...It's flooding my news feed.
For overseas readers, I here this news has made it to you too. That a little Sydney broadcasting station is now headline news all over the world. But for those who don't know what I'm talking about or for those people who know a little, I'll catch you all up.
Now firstly, I want to talk to you about this for a number of reasons.
1 - I'm Australian, I know the female involved (not personally of course, but she was also the host of The Top 30 Countdown, which I enjoy on a Saturday morning).
2 - It's flooding up my news feed. All breaking news involves the Presenters and/or the nurses involved - which I'll get to in a second.
3 - It has been blown way out of proportion and I think people are getting lost in fact and conspiracies.
4 - It involves a tragic loss and I want to give my own condolences - done properly and not in the form of abuse.
Now the story:
Two radio presenters rang up the British hospital where Kate was staying (with severe morning sickness) pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles.
To their surprise the receptionist put them through to Kate's ward, where a nurse answered the phone.
They asked how their "daughter-in-law" was going and if she was well.
The Nurse said (Kate) was sleeping and that she was feeling better; along with other information.
The radio hosts where dumbfounded.
The hospital fell for their dodgy accents and they had even given them information on the Princess.
It was a massive prank.
People around Australia where laughing while the rest of the world (especially the Mother Land) were furious! It made all sorts of headlines as the news read of a massive mistake and a massive prank.
Big news - but something that would have blown over in a couple of days.
And then, a terrible loss struck.
The nurse who was involved in the prank died of (what I believe was) suicide.
What was just a prank has now become a sad, sad story that should be recognised.
There are talks of the hospital suing the radio station.
The presenters have been sacked.
Advertisement has been pulled from the station.
And today I read that Mel and Michael (the hosts involved) are now getting counselling after being in an intense fragile state.
Some things I need to get off my chest:
The nurse,Jacintha Saldanha, 46, took her own life due to depression - now this is what I'm getting from my news, and this is all reporting allegations.
People have linked the prank to the reason she killed herself. We don't know this was the case.
I have no doubt that the scolding she would have gotten from her manager, her boss, even the head of the hospital, would have been severe. Surely they must have known about her fragile state and what happened wasn't her fault.
The cast irons they would have dished on her would have been harsh - and nobody deserves that, especially a hard working women such as herself.
Does anyone blame them? Do they look to them and are they suspects for pushing Ms Saldanha over the edge?
As you can imagine, social media has gone wild.
Tweets have gone off the hook, labelling the hosts as "murderers" and saying things like "they have blood on their hands."
Both have deleted their Twitter accounts and have gone into hiding basically.
There is a Facebook page known as, RIP Jacintha Saldanha. Shame upon those stupid Australian DJs, which has been bombarded with hateful messages.
The Royal family, have made no formal complaint to the hospital nor the radio station, and seemed not to bothered by the events (this was before the death of Ms Saldanha.).
The prank was stupid.
Pranks are always stupid. I personally don't see the attraction into fooling somebody for your own humour-filled benefit.
The loss of the nurse is tragic and my condolences go to her family, friends and colleagues, and sorry that her death is publicised for the world to witness.
The hospital needs better protocols for this. It's their fault that this happened and the receptionist who picked the phone up should get her hearing checked out.
To Mel and Michael - if you could take it back, you would. I believe you are truly sorry for what happened and that the world is watching your every move.
And to anyone who posted anything hurtful about the indecent - put a lid on it.
The hosts have suffered enough.
The hospital has suffered enough.
And Ms Saldanha's family has suffered more than enough.
Please, let it go, and hopefully this will bring awareness to depression, and the pain it can inflict.
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Forever Alone
Hey guys,
A very unusual and embarrassing account happened to me today and and if I had friends I would surely laugh about it with them. But because I don't, you (people of the Internet) get to hear it instead.
Now, I know I'm not a social person. I haven't left the house since...oh wait, I left it yesterday, but not to meet anybody.
Basically, when it comes to leaving the house for a social occasion (family members excluded) it is very, very rarely.
A lot of friends I used to have I don't talk to often or at all, let alone actually catch up with them.
When I heard my phone buzz this afternoon it was quite a shock. It goes off little and the vibration it makes against my dresser is quite loud. I grabbed it thinking it would be the phone company ("A special offer, only for a limited time") and was even more shocked to discover that it was an actual person - an actual friend.
Even more shocking, someone I haven't talked to (at all) in literally months!
And the message captured that...
OMG How are you?? We haven't talked in ageeeessssss -_- talk soon Babe.
Now, even though I hadn't communicated with this person in a while, this wasn't how they acted when I did used to talk to them.
Looking back, I should have seen the signs.
Nevertheless, I was touched to see that someone had actually remembered me and wanted to catch up (I only presumed). I wanted to reply straight away. Telling them that I know it has been ages, but regardless would love to hang out.
But I had no credit.
Bugger. It would have to wait.
So, I continued what I was doing, and decided afterward, I would log onto the Internet and chat with her there. I got caught up with some other stuff and left my room.
It was around half an hour when I got back. I turned my computer on and went to my phone to check the message again. I had another message.
Me? Daydreamer has another message? Two in one day, that's a record.
It was from the same person. Telling me that the children she coaches had taken her phone and sent messages to random people.
And this was it. The bottom of the bottom of my social life. The only person to talk to me and want to hang out, was nothing but a seven year olds prank.
That's embarrassing. But I can be thankful for my phone credit (or lack there of). If I had of had credit and sent a heartfelt message filled with memories, reminiscent and old times - could you imagine the humiliation then; for the both of us?
At least I could brush it off with a casual "yeah, I saw that - pretty funny" response.
So I know I'm unsociable - but really?! Did I deserve this?
I don't think so.
So for anyone who's feeling a bit alone, here's something to cheer you (and I) up.
A very unusual and embarrassing account happened to me today and and if I had friends I would surely laugh about it with them. But because I don't, you (people of the Internet) get to hear it instead.
At least I'm not this guy. |
Basically, when it comes to leaving the house for a social occasion (family members excluded) it is very, very rarely.
A lot of friends I used to have I don't talk to often or at all, let alone actually catch up with them.
When I heard my phone buzz this afternoon it was quite a shock. It goes off little and the vibration it makes against my dresser is quite loud. I grabbed it thinking it would be the phone company ("A special offer, only for a limited time") and was even more shocked to discover that it was an actual person - an actual friend.
Even more shocking, someone I haven't talked to (at all) in literally months!
And the message captured that...
OMG How are you?? We haven't talked in ageeeessssss -_- talk soon Babe.
Now, even though I hadn't communicated with this person in a while, this wasn't how they acted when I did used to talk to them.
Looking back, I should have seen the signs.
Nevertheless, I was touched to see that someone had actually remembered me and wanted to catch up (I only presumed). I wanted to reply straight away. Telling them that I know it has been ages, but regardless would love to hang out.
But I had no credit.
Bugger. It would have to wait.
So, I continued what I was doing, and decided afterward, I would log onto the Internet and chat with her there. I got caught up with some other stuff and left my room.
It was around half an hour when I got back. I turned my computer on and went to my phone to check the message again. I had another message.
Me? Daydreamer has another message? Two in one day, that's a record.
It was from the same person. Telling me that the children she coaches had taken her phone and sent messages to random people.
And this was it. The bottom of the bottom of my social life. The only person to talk to me and want to hang out, was nothing but a seven year olds prank.
That's embarrassing. But I can be thankful for my phone credit (or lack there of). If I had of had credit and sent a heartfelt message filled with memories, reminiscent and old times - could you imagine the humiliation then; for the both of us?
At least I could brush it off with a casual "yeah, I saw that - pretty funny" response.
So I know I'm unsociable - but really?! Did I deserve this?
I don't think so.
So for anyone who's feeling a bit alone, here's something to cheer you (and I) up.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Is It Getting Hot in Here?
For those living in the great southern land that is Australia, you will be more than aware that Summer is right around the corner (5 days in fact).
Living in Canberra, I found (here at least) Summer has come up out of the blue - or maybe, out of the clouds; so all of a sudden I find myself not totally prepared for the Summer weather ahead.
Knowing Australia - it's going to be a hot one.
And knowing me - I'm going to hate every second of it.
It's hard to think it's been Spring for almost three months now. It sure doesn't feel like it. People in Canberra would know, Spring was a funny one this year. At first, we had a bout of Spring early in the season. Warm, warm weather; a great change for the miserable and (thankfully) rainy Winter.
Then it got cold again. Very cold. People who'd packed away their jackets, jeans, gloves and beanies fished them back out of their closets. But not for long.
All of a sudden, it was starting to look like Spring again. Shirts and skirts, hats and shorts came out in abundance; perfect when Floriade was on. We shone (literally) for tourists who travelled here, and put the spark back into the locals.
Have you guessed it yet? Yep, then it got dark again. It started to rain...
I'd just like to say, as an Aussie, who has been living in drought for most of her life (I think anyway) rain - no matter what season - is greatly welcome. We never get enough rain around here, and when we do it's usually too heavy and the ground is too dry to absorb the water. So I was a very happy duck, to see it raining for a lot of our Winter.
Where was I? Oh yes, Winter seemed to be back - and in the middle of October. Basically, as soon as we got some warm weather, Winter came back with a vengeance.
So to my surprise, when I looked at the weather bureau I was stunned to see 32 degrees on today's forecast (Celsius, not Fahrenheit to my overseas readers). I was even more stunned to realise Summer is only 5 days away. Holy moly, we've only just received a good batch of Spring.
To my last point in my intro. Now, I know some of you would be thinking that Summer is the best season. Who couldn't love Summer? Sun, surf, sand, hot bodies walking around, ice-cream, swimming, BBQ's, tennis, cricket, picnics...the list goes on.
Well for one - I don't live near a beach; so that gets rid of surf and sand. I also don't have a pool; get rid of swimming.
Hot bods walking around - true; but it means I need to shed clothing myself, and even though I'm not repulsive, I am filled with insecurities beyond anything.
BBQ's = mossies. Need I say more?
I will raise my glass to the return of tennis and cricket though. Been watching Australia Vs South Africa - good to have those sports back on tellie.
And so in a quick conclusion - what have we learnt? Summer in Australia is hot. Daydreamer is also not ready for the hotness ahead. If you are overseas and getting ready for the Winter season; raise a hot chocolate for me - Winter I will miss you. Bring out the sunscreen everybody.
Oh, and I do love ice-cream. Yum.
Living in Canberra, I found (here at least) Summer has come up out of the blue - or maybe, out of the clouds; so all of a sudden I find myself not totally prepared for the Summer weather ahead.
Knowing Australia - it's going to be a hot one.
And knowing me - I'm going to hate every second of it.
It's hard to think it's been Spring for almost three months now. It sure doesn't feel like it. People in Canberra would know, Spring was a funny one this year. At first, we had a bout of Spring early in the season. Warm, warm weather; a great change for the miserable and (thankfully) rainy Winter.
Then it got cold again. Very cold. People who'd packed away their jackets, jeans, gloves and beanies fished them back out of their closets. But not for long.
All of a sudden, it was starting to look like Spring again. Shirts and skirts, hats and shorts came out in abundance; perfect when Floriade was on. We shone (literally) for tourists who travelled here, and put the spark back into the locals.
Have you guessed it yet? Yep, then it got dark again. It started to rain...
I'd just like to say, as an Aussie, who has been living in drought for most of her life (I think anyway) rain - no matter what season - is greatly welcome. We never get enough rain around here, and when we do it's usually too heavy and the ground is too dry to absorb the water. So I was a very happy duck, to see it raining for a lot of our Winter.
Where was I? Oh yes, Winter seemed to be back - and in the middle of October. Basically, as soon as we got some warm weather, Winter came back with a vengeance.
So to my surprise, when I looked at the weather bureau I was stunned to see 32 degrees on today's forecast (Celsius, not Fahrenheit to my overseas readers). I was even more stunned to realise Summer is only 5 days away. Holy moly, we've only just received a good batch of Spring.
To my last point in my intro. Now, I know some of you would be thinking that Summer is the best season. Who couldn't love Summer? Sun, surf, sand, hot bodies walking around, ice-cream, swimming, BBQ's, tennis, cricket, picnics...the list goes on.
Well for one - I don't live near a beach; so that gets rid of surf and sand. I also don't have a pool; get rid of swimming.
Hot bods walking around - true; but it means I need to shed clothing myself, and even though I'm not repulsive, I am filled with insecurities beyond anything.
BBQ's = mossies. Need I say more?
I will raise my glass to the return of tennis and cricket though. Been watching Australia Vs South Africa - good to have those sports back on tellie.
And so in a quick conclusion - what have we learnt? Summer in Australia is hot. Daydreamer is also not ready for the hotness ahead. If you are overseas and getting ready for the Winter season; raise a hot chocolate for me - Winter I will miss you. Bring out the sunscreen everybody.
Oh, and I do love ice-cream. Yum.
Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
It can't possibly be a Year Already?
Last week was my last week of Uni classes.
I couldn't believe I've been a Uni student for a whole year! The year has seemed to go so fast.
It's also been a year, since the end of year 12.
I can't deny, I was sad to see that place go, and as my brother still goes there; I'm a bit jealous. But I am glad I'm not a college student any more. The freedom and world that is Uni is such an amazing experience, so I'm sad that classes are over.
Two major assignment were handed in yesterday, and the last thing I need to do, is an exam I have later in the week.
And then that's it.
Till next year anyway.
Three months away.
And this is why I'm so sad. It hasn't really hit yet - but because I'm lame and don't have a social life; I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for three months! Now, my Mum would say "get a job, you slacker," but I really couldn't be bothered. And who wants to work in retail anyway?
So I guess it would be a good time to rev up the blog posts, get this thing up and running again and start paying real attention to it.
So I'm sending you a challenge to anyone who stumbles past this blog.
From next week, I'll start to look at this regularily.
If there is anything you want me to blog about; let me know and I'll do it.
Got a movie or book you want to share? A serious issue you want brought attention to? Or something tremendously silly - I'll blog about it.
So just met me know.
Or alternatively, check out my older blog posts. Some of them are actually good.
I couldn't believe I've been a Uni student for a whole year! The year has seemed to go so fast.
It's also been a year, since the end of year 12.
I can't deny, I was sad to see that place go, and as my brother still goes there; I'm a bit jealous. But I am glad I'm not a college student any more. The freedom and world that is Uni is such an amazing experience, so I'm sad that classes are over.
Two major assignment were handed in yesterday, and the last thing I need to do, is an exam I have later in the week.
And then that's it.
Till next year anyway.
Three months away.
And this is why I'm so sad. It hasn't really hit yet - but because I'm lame and don't have a social life; I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for three months! Now, my Mum would say "get a job, you slacker," but I really couldn't be bothered. And who wants to work in retail anyway?
So I guess it would be a good time to rev up the blog posts, get this thing up and running again and start paying real attention to it.
So I'm sending you a challenge to anyone who stumbles past this blog.
From next week, I'll start to look at this regularily.
If there is anything you want me to blog about; let me know and I'll do it.
Got a movie or book you want to share? A serious issue you want brought attention to? Or something tremendously silly - I'll blog about it.
So just met me know.
Or alternatively, check out my older blog posts. Some of them are actually good.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Anniversary Celebrations; but not for me.
Been A while, I know.
And really, I shouldn't be writing anything now (I have a ton of work to do, it's not even funny, and today I set myself the task of working my little butt off, but then I was confused about this thing and was trying to figure it out and by the end of the day, I still haven't got anywhere.)
Whoa, what a long bracket sentence *my bad*
Also, this will be really informal - all the essays I've been doing, plus my writing, plus uni's writing...arg!
I'm amazed the first thing I want to do is write more!
But I feel bad for neglecting this poor little thing; with small posts, little views and no comments or followers. *Why do I have a blog again?*
The topic of today's post is a congratulatory one.
Today my parents celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. *cheers, Champaign popping, glasses tinkering* - you know that kind of noise.
I'm so proud of my parents and lucky to have them. Growing up, (at one stage) all of my friendship group's parents were divorced and they lived with their mums. They also never, or very little, saw their dads.
I'm grateful, that my parents are very much in love (ew, OK, don't want to think about that.)
So today, it was sad to see Mum trodding off to work early this morning, while Dad stayed home (he's "sick.") Actually, no really he is; you'll be glad to know that he's getting better *I think it's the alcohol*
They spent the day apart. Mum rang earlier today, and they talked on the phone for hours *glad to know Mum's actually working*
And when she got home, they opened champagne and have been celebrating ever since.
And it's only 6pm.
We're staying home and take away will be arriving shortly (something special, like Indian; not the run of the mill Maccas or anything ew.)
So, basically; congrats to Mummy and Daddy - and I hope in another 20 years, you guys are just as happy. *But hopefully, I wont still be living in the same house*
Oh dear God - did I just jinx myself?
And really, I shouldn't be writing anything now (I have a ton of work to do, it's not even funny, and today I set myself the task of working my little butt off, but then I was confused about this thing and was trying to figure it out and by the end of the day, I still haven't got anywhere.)
Whoa, what a long bracket sentence *my bad*
Also, this will be really informal - all the essays I've been doing, plus my writing, plus uni's writing...arg!
I'm amazed the first thing I want to do is write more!
But I feel bad for neglecting this poor little thing; with small posts, little views and no comments or followers. *Why do I have a blog again?*
The topic of today's post is a congratulatory one.
Today my parents celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. *cheers, Champaign popping, glasses tinkering* - you know that kind of noise.
I'm so proud of my parents and lucky to have them. Growing up, (at one stage) all of my friendship group's parents were divorced and they lived with their mums. They also never, or very little, saw their dads.
I'm grateful, that my parents are very much in love (ew, OK, don't want to think about that.)
So today, it was sad to see Mum trodding off to work early this morning, while Dad stayed home (he's "sick.") Actually, no really he is; you'll be glad to know that he's getting better *I think it's the alcohol*
They spent the day apart. Mum rang earlier today, and they talked on the phone for hours *glad to know Mum's actually working*
And when she got home, they opened champagne and have been celebrating ever since.
And it's only 6pm.
We're staying home and take away will be arriving shortly (something special, like Indian; not the run of the mill Maccas or anything ew.)
So, basically; congrats to Mummy and Daddy - and I hope in another 20 years, you guys are just as happy. *But hopefully, I wont still be living in the same house*
Oh dear God - did I just jinx myself?
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Just a Quicky to Prove I'm Alive.
Well, I wasn't joking.
I can't even tell you how long it's been. And I've been a very busy bee. Basically the only thing I've been doing though is uni - but in my defence; it's a lot of work.
This week is a mid semester brake (woohoo a week off) and I decided I had time to come back and write to you all.
In my little thought bubble I have a few ideas on what upcoming posts will be about; including book reviews, rants (boy I love those) and other random thoughts. Which I would love to do today....but; I could go on forever, and I don't have the time (I know, I can here your "aws" from here).
But this bee has (over the last couple of days) struck disaster.
I'm sick.
I feel horrible and crap. When my nose isn't blocked, it's running like a tap. Not to mention it looks a lot like Rudolph's. My throat has a tickle monster in it, which won't leave. My head hurts - don't laugh I really do feel awful.
The only thing in my favour is that I don't have to go anywhere this week. I can stay at home and try with all my might to get better. Which isn't as hard as you think - if you don't already know, I love nothing better, than doing nothing. I pride myself on it actually.
So it should be easy for me to get better right?
It's already been a couple of days. I've been drinking so much water, I can't believe I haven't drowned. I've eating so many mandarin's I have a citrus-y sent wherever I go. Which isn't out in public thank God.
Ah! I literally just sneezed just now. Massive sad face for me, because this is a serious sickness. It's not like those ones where you feel a little sick, but you play it up to get out of school (ah, good times) or the ones where it doesn't effect anything you do, because it's not actually that bad - you can still soldier on.
I feel like shit all the time and there's nothing to do but to wade it out. *sigh*
Well, as long as I get better by next week (uni week) I'll be happy.
So if you're reading this and also feel under the weather. I here you. And could you pass me a tissue?
I can't even tell you how long it's been. And I've been a very busy bee. Basically the only thing I've been doing though is uni - but in my defence; it's a lot of work.
This week is a mid semester brake (woohoo a week off) and I decided I had time to come back and write to you all.
In my little thought bubble I have a few ideas on what upcoming posts will be about; including book reviews, rants (boy I love those) and other random thoughts. Which I would love to do today....but; I could go on forever, and I don't have the time (I know, I can here your "aws" from here).
But this bee has (over the last couple of days) struck disaster.
I'm sick.
I feel horrible and crap. When my nose isn't blocked, it's running like a tap. Not to mention it looks a lot like Rudolph's. My throat has a tickle monster in it, which won't leave. My head hurts - don't laugh I really do feel awful.
The only thing in my favour is that I don't have to go anywhere this week. I can stay at home and try with all my might to get better. Which isn't as hard as you think - if you don't already know, I love nothing better, than doing nothing. I pride myself on it actually.
So it should be easy for me to get better right?
It's already been a couple of days. I've been drinking so much water, I can't believe I haven't drowned. I've eating so many mandarin's I have a citrus-y sent wherever I go. Which isn't out in public thank God.
Ah! I literally just sneezed just now. Massive sad face for me, because this is a serious sickness. It's not like those ones where you feel a little sick, but you play it up to get out of school (ah, good times) or the ones where it doesn't effect anything you do, because it's not actually that bad - you can still soldier on.
I feel like shit all the time and there's nothing to do but to wade it out. *sigh*
Well, as long as I get better by next week (uni week) I'll be happy.
So if you're reading this and also feel under the weather. I here you. And could you pass me a tissue?
Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Sadness: Going on A Brake
Well, for those who don't know, uni has begun in full flight, and it was only a couple of days ago that I realised that I have a lot of work to do.
Assignments, weekly readings, writings, assignments. There's a lot of stuff I have to get started on.
So I'm going on hiatus, and I'm not to sure when I'll be coming back. But hopefully it's soon.
If I'm able, there might be a post here and there, or if I'm so sick of working, I might just update for fun...but I highly doubt it.
The assignments are really testing this semester, and I think that I am definitely have to put the hard yards in to make the grade...literally.
So farewell. Adios and addiju (that's goodbye in Maltese.)
And wish me luck. There's going to be so much reading. So Much.
Assignments, weekly readings, writings, assignments. There's a lot of stuff I have to get started on.
So I'm going on hiatus, and I'm not to sure when I'll be coming back. But hopefully it's soon.
If I'm able, there might be a post here and there, or if I'm so sick of working, I might just update for fun...but I highly doubt it.
The assignments are really testing this semester, and I think that I am definitely have to put the hard yards in to make the grade...literally.
So farewell. Adios and addiju (that's goodbye in Maltese.)
And wish me luck. There's going to be so much reading. So Much.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Ah, It's been Ten Days!
It's been ten days since I've written my last post - that's over a week! (sorry, for saying the obvious)
But I do have an excuse...sort of.
I've been sick (aaww) and I've only just recovered; but not fully.
I hate being sick! And it doesn't happen often (thank God,) but when it does I seem to get it really bad - my body really needs time to shake it off.
And uni has only just gone back - so I had a day off. Which totally sucks, because they were tutorials, and I would have loved to have been able to go.
*so massive sad face there*
But, arg - it was that kind of sickness that you can't do anything for. No Panadole, or other drug will actually help, and you're kind of stuck and need to wade it out.
But as I said before, I think I'm getting better, *fingers crossed* - I seem to be getting better, and all I can hope for now, is that it doesn't come back - well, at least not any time soon.
* and yes, sorry for the self-indulgent post; I needed something to write about, and for the past couple of days, that has been the only thing that's been dominating my life. I promise that next time, I will come up with something better to write about.
But I do have an excuse...sort of.
I've been sick (aaww) and I've only just recovered; but not fully.
I hate being sick! And it doesn't happen often (thank God,) but when it does I seem to get it really bad - my body really needs time to shake it off.
And uni has only just gone back - so I had a day off. Which totally sucks, because they were tutorials, and I would have loved to have been able to go.
*so massive sad face there*
But, arg - it was that kind of sickness that you can't do anything for. No Panadole, or other drug will actually help, and you're kind of stuck and need to wade it out.
But as I said before, I think I'm getting better, *fingers crossed* - I seem to be getting better, and all I can hope for now, is that it doesn't come back - well, at least not any time soon.
* and yes, sorry for the self-indulgent post; I needed something to write about, and for the past couple of days, that has been the only thing that's been dominating my life. I promise that next time, I will come up with something better to write about.
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Bus Encounters 2
One of my first posts was about an encounter with an elderly man I had on the bus one time (if you wish to read it - it's down the post list - pretty sure it's March) and today I had another unusual encounter - not on the bus - but at the interchange.
Naturally it was one of those people talking about Religion - but they don't talk about that.
They greet you with a friendly hello and ask you how your day has been.
This one (I don't know for how long) was standing in front of me when I looked up. Thinking it was someone I knew I made eye contact - and he was in like Flynn.
Next thing I knew he was asking me questions about everything. I think he thought I was a juvenile delinquent that needed saving. Once he realised that I was a normal adult that doesn't need saving, I think he realised he was wasting his time - I knew what he wanted, and I had no intention to fall for it.
In fact, I turned the tables on him and began to ask him questions.
I asked him stuff about him, where he'd travelled, and mentioned the badge he was wearing - asking if what he does was fun.
By the time the bus arrived, he hadn't mentioned The Church, or talked to me about religion at all.
Turning the tables for the win!!!!
Naturally it was one of those people talking about Religion - but they don't talk about that.
They greet you with a friendly hello and ask you how your day has been.
This one (I don't know for how long) was standing in front of me when I looked up. Thinking it was someone I knew I made eye contact - and he was in like Flynn.
Next thing I knew he was asking me questions about everything. I think he thought I was a juvenile delinquent that needed saving. Once he realised that I was a normal adult that doesn't need saving, I think he realised he was wasting his time - I knew what he wanted, and I had no intention to fall for it.
In fact, I turned the tables on him and began to ask him questions.
I asked him stuff about him, where he'd travelled, and mentioned the badge he was wearing - asking if what he does was fun.
By the time the bus arrived, he hadn't mentioned The Church, or talked to me about religion at all.
Turning the tables for the win!!!!
Sunday, 12 August 2012
The Brightest Review in This Blog
Hey guys, so basically this is a book review on...*drum roll please*
I've been a fan of Marian Keyes now for a few number of years.
I started reading her books at 13 and now at 19, I've read more than a few.
One book Mum placed on the shelf years ago now, was Brightest Star in the Sky, but was one I hadn't read until a couple of days ago.
And boy is it a doozey!
I wont go on about the storyline, but it does take place in an apartment block, in which four different relationships live on a floor.
They fall in and out of love (a line from the back of the book) and it follows the stories of the people living on the four floors.
With EVERY Keyes book I have read, I find that once I've started it, I find it tremendously hard to put down - and I'm not joking, or making a comment on how good it is - I literally struggle to stop reading it, because I HAVE to know what is going to happen next.
As plots twist and turn, here and there, and you're starting to get towards the end, you wonder where it's going to end, what's going to happen to this/or those people, and you're hoping for a happy ending. And with four different stories...that's a lot of wondering.
The chapters go in a formation of sorts. One chapter contains one couple, then the next another. You go through the different story line's and once you've had a taste for all of them you find yourself at the first one again. It varies here and there, but essentially follows the different stories all at the same time - which you know this because the chapters are marked by days - very ingenious.
I found myself glued to one couple, and wanted to read the other chapters fast until I came back around to them again.
But in saying that all the characters are funny, realistic and have a great storyline to follow - and naturally some of them overlap into each others lives, which is fun.
What's great about Brightest Star in the Sky, is this "character" that we follow from the beginning - we're unsure about who or what it is, but it's definitely not a seeing person.
They keep you on track, and you almost forget it's there - until we near the end, when there job is made clear - which totally surprised me!
When I finally figured it out, I think I actually screamed (literally out loud) in shock.
The book was published in 2009 and I'm kicking myself for not reading it sooner - I know it will definitely be one to read again.
With a few more of Keyes' books on the shelf I (ashamedly) haven't read yet, I can't wait till I start reading another.
And if you want a great read - as long as you don't mind being sucked into this world she has created - I highly recommend Brightest Star in the Sky.
I started reading her books at 13 and now at 19, I've read more than a few.
One book Mum placed on the shelf years ago now, was Brightest Star in the Sky, but was one I hadn't read until a couple of days ago.
And boy is it a doozey!
I wont go on about the storyline, but it does take place in an apartment block, in which four different relationships live on a floor.
They fall in and out of love (a line from the back of the book) and it follows the stories of the people living on the four floors.
With EVERY Keyes book I have read, I find that once I've started it, I find it tremendously hard to put down - and I'm not joking, or making a comment on how good it is - I literally struggle to stop reading it, because I HAVE to know what is going to happen next.
As plots twist and turn, here and there, and you're starting to get towards the end, you wonder where it's going to end, what's going to happen to this/or those people, and you're hoping for a happy ending. And with four different stories...that's a lot of wondering.
The chapters go in a formation of sorts. One chapter contains one couple, then the next another. You go through the different story line's and once you've had a taste for all of them you find yourself at the first one again. It varies here and there, but essentially follows the different stories all at the same time - which you know this because the chapters are marked by days - very ingenious.
I found myself glued to one couple, and wanted to read the other chapters fast until I came back around to them again.
But in saying that all the characters are funny, realistic and have a great storyline to follow - and naturally some of them overlap into each others lives, which is fun.
What's great about Brightest Star in the Sky, is this "character" that we follow from the beginning - we're unsure about who or what it is, but it's definitely not a seeing person.
They keep you on track, and you almost forget it's there - until we near the end, when there job is made clear - which totally surprised me!
When I finally figured it out, I think I actually screamed (literally out loud) in shock.
The book was published in 2009 and I'm kicking myself for not reading it sooner - I know it will definitely be one to read again.
With a few more of Keyes' books on the shelf I (ashamedly) haven't read yet, I can't wait till I start reading another.
And if you want a great read - as long as you don't mind being sucked into this world she has created - I highly recommend Brightest Star in the Sky.
Brightest Star in the Sky.,
Marian Keyes,
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
London Olympics 2012
Well I did have to mention it, didn't I?
I can't have a blog about random thoughts, when the Olympics have been on my mind, and then not write something about it.
But there's my problem; where do I start?
And, am I even allowed to blog about the Olympics?
Well, if that doesn't get me into trouble - this might:
Well, the logo is a good place to start - I love it. End of.
The colours go well, the placing of 2012 is smart, and I love the placing of the rings.
When I first saw the logo, there was a bit of "hm's" and "um's" but I've really gotten used to it.
Ah, who didn't love the literature part of the ceremony?
With the girl reading under the covers, evil villains coming to life, in one massive stadium takeover... just reminiscing about it now, makes me want to start reading some of those classic books.
And Voldemort? Kinda lame, but still great entertainment...still I would have liked to have seen Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort for one last time.
Then Mary Poppins saves the day....ah, great times.
Easily the best part of the Opening Ceremony...well for me anyway.
The games haven't been without it's hiccups. The NZ place catching on fire during a party is one; with disgraced players (from different countries) being sent home from cheating.
Then there's always the rumours about doping, but I wont get into that here.
There have been highs and lows - tears of both joy and grief.
We watch the athletes push their bodies to extreme lengths, as they fight it out to be the best.
We've seen the worlds heart stop - making sure we don't miss a second.
Watched an array of events and sports.
Been apart of the action - even if we are half a world away.
And we've still got four days to go.
I can't have a blog about random thoughts, when the Olympics have been on my mind, and then not write something about it.
But there's my problem; where do I start?
And, am I even allowed to blog about the Olympics?
Well, if that doesn't get me into trouble - this might:
Google Images. |
The colours go well, the placing of 2012 is smart, and I love the placing of the rings.
When I first saw the logo, there was a bit of "hm's" and "um's" but I've really gotten used to it.
Google Images |
With the girl reading under the covers, evil villains coming to life, in one massive stadium takeover... just reminiscing about it now, makes me want to start reading some of those classic books.
And Voldemort? Kinda lame, but still great entertainment...still I would have liked to have seen Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort for one last time.
Then Mary Poppins saves the day....ah, great times.
Easily the best part of the Opening Ceremony...well for me anyway.
The games haven't been without it's hiccups. The NZ place catching on fire during a party is one; with disgraced players (from different countries) being sent home from cheating.
Then there's always the rumours about doping, but I wont get into that here.
There have been highs and lows - tears of both joy and grief.
We watch the athletes push their bodies to extreme lengths, as they fight it out to be the best.
We've seen the worlds heart stop - making sure we don't miss a second.
Watched an array of events and sports.
Been apart of the action - even if we are half a world away.
And we've still got four days to go.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Why is Writing so Hard?
I'm writing something. Not something huge - it begun as a hobby. Then I got into it more and more, and I have decided this idea is a good thing to write about.
If you can't tell, I like to write.
Arg! Even that beginning is stupid!
I don't know why I thought writing up a new post would be a good idea.
In fact, I don't think it is - but I have to write something.
I have decided that I want to write at least 1,000 words a day - whether it's on here (probably won't be - sorry, just being honest) whether it's all for fun, or if I decide to get serious about something.
I love to write and I really should be doing it more often - but sometimes it's just so hard!
Like today.
To begin with, writing about this idea was a good one. I was flowing pretty good (oh dear - that was not a good comment, flowing pretty good - seriously?)
But instead of flowing, I began scrutinising everything I write - like this for example.
And now, the thought of continuing with what I was writing about is killing me.
Sometimes I can write for hours, and it feels like only a couple of minutes.
Other times (like today) I've only been writing for minutes, but boy, how it feels like hours.
Hmm, maybe my goal of 1,000 a day will b tougher than I think.
I'm writing something. Not something huge - it begun as a hobby. Then I got into it more and more, and I have decided this idea is a good thing to write about.
If you can't tell, I like to write.
Arg! Even that beginning is stupid!
I don't know why I thought writing up a new post would be a good idea.
In fact, I don't think it is - but I have to write something.
I have decided that I want to write at least 1,000 words a day - whether it's on here (probably won't be - sorry, just being honest) whether it's all for fun, or if I decide to get serious about something.
I love to write and I really should be doing it more often - but sometimes it's just so hard!
Like today.
To begin with, writing about this idea was a good one. I was flowing pretty good (oh dear - that was not a good comment, flowing pretty good - seriously?)
But instead of flowing, I began scrutinising everything I write - like this for example.
And now, the thought of continuing with what I was writing about is killing me.
Sometimes I can write for hours, and it feels like only a couple of minutes.
Other times (like today) I've only been writing for minutes, but boy, how it feels like hours.
Hmm, maybe my goal of 1,000 a day will b tougher than I think.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Technology - Oh How I Hate Thee
If there is anything out there, that I cannot stand - it's technology. Not the old stuff - like your classic TVs and computers, but the new stuff - the Ipod's, Iphones, Ipads (OK, anything starting with "I") smart phones, 3D televisions and don't even get me started on "Smart TVs".
It's that friend that we love, but they don't love us back.
We've all been friends with technology for a while. These are our old, childhood friends; who we grew up with.
These guys - our true friends, they work for us when we need them to.
They know what programs we like to watch if they are a TV, and they know what temperature we like to heat our quick meals on when we can't be bothered to cook (this is an oven/microwave.)
Your old PlayStation knows that no matter how old you get, you are never to old for Crash Team Racing.
And even though you hate to admit it - your classic mobile knows your Mother is the one you call the most.
Technology and the human race were living in harmony - and life was pretty great.
But somewhere down the line humans decided that we needed something flashier, more advanced - something better than our neighbours.
So we created them.
Technology took a turn (in my opinion for the worse) and the 2000's saw the boom of technology like never before - for this technology was purely for the humans entertainment - they were wants and not needs.
Humans entered "Generation Me."
And our old technology got left behind.
We chucked our little TVs for flat screens, we took the sims out of our old, flip-top mobiles and placed it in a smart phone, we chucked out Nintendo games for PS3's, Xbox's and 3D game consoles. And said goodbye to your Ipod Shuffle and welcomed your new touch screen Ipod.
In fact everything we have now (even my family computer) has touch screen availability. This actually destroys me inside...I hate touch screens!
So, humans embraced this new wave of technology - and for the most part life was better (at least it seemed to be) than before.
Life was quicker, equipment had specialist modes, they didn't need to be warmed up before working, foil on top of the antennae, and buttons only needed to be pushed once for it to start working.
Then, things just decided to stop. Literally stop.
TV functions were so complicated that you needed a translator to figure it out, your games involved so many buttons you needed the arms of an octopus to play them, things began to freeze on you, and hitting it wasn't going to fix it this time.
We now need specialist help. If something doesn't work, we don't have a chance in Hell to try and fix it ourselves - it's just so complicated and advanced.
Companies employ hundreds of "technical support" whose sole job is to fix these "better" pieces of technology.
As much as the humans love this new technology - this technology doesn't seem to love us.
They don't care about your favourite game - they just want to make sure you're buying the next one.
They don't care if your favourite show is on - they want the Blue -Ray player that will fit nicely in the cabinet underneath.
And phones don't care about you calling your grandmother on a Sunday night - why not spend your money on finding out the weather, or the news instead? "And don't worry, I'll charge it straight to your account."
I'm taking a stand people - and by that I mean doing nothing.
Well, OK it's not nothing... I chose not to buy the latest gadgets when they come out - I'm happy with the phone I have and don't need to run out and get the new one.
I refuse to buy ANYTHING 3D - unless it's at the movie cinema's.
Even though my phone is a touch screen, my Ipod isn't - and I'm happy to keep it that way.
I guess my post comes down to this - yes technology doesn't work for us all the time - but without it we would be screwed (let's face it.)
But the technology I'm talking about today, is not the important stuff - not the things we NEED - like electricity for example, or equipment doctors use.
But when it comes to entertainment technology - instead of playing an app on your phone or Ipod, and instead of watching a 3D movie - why not play an old fashioned board game - and have some classic family fun.
You know you'd enjoy it. I definitely will.
It's that friend that we love, but they don't love us back.
We've all been friends with technology for a while. These are our old, childhood friends; who we grew up with.
These guys - our true friends, they work for us when we need them to.
They know what programs we like to watch if they are a TV, and they know what temperature we like to heat our quick meals on when we can't be bothered to cook (this is an oven/microwave.)
Your old PlayStation knows that no matter how old you get, you are never to old for Crash Team Racing.
And even though you hate to admit it - your classic mobile knows your Mother is the one you call the most.
Thanks Google Images |
But somewhere down the line humans decided that we needed something flashier, more advanced - something better than our neighbours.
So we created them.
Technology took a turn (in my opinion for the worse) and the 2000's saw the boom of technology like never before - for this technology was purely for the humans entertainment - they were wants and not needs.
Humans entered "Generation Me."
And our old technology got left behind.
We chucked our little TVs for flat screens, we took the sims out of our old, flip-top mobiles and placed it in a smart phone, we chucked out Nintendo games for PS3's, Xbox's and 3D game consoles. And said goodbye to your Ipod Shuffle and welcomed your new touch screen Ipod.
In fact everything we have now (even my family computer) has touch screen availability. This actually destroys me inside...I hate touch screens!
So, humans embraced this new wave of technology - and for the most part life was better (at least it seemed to be) than before.
Life was quicker, equipment had specialist modes, they didn't need to be warmed up before working, foil on top of the antennae, and buttons only needed to be pushed once for it to start working.
Then, things just decided to stop. Literally stop.
TV functions were so complicated that you needed a translator to figure it out, your games involved so many buttons you needed the arms of an octopus to play them, things began to freeze on you, and hitting it wasn't going to fix it this time.
We now need specialist help. If something doesn't work, we don't have a chance in Hell to try and fix it ourselves - it's just so complicated and advanced.
Companies employ hundreds of "technical support" whose sole job is to fix these "better" pieces of technology.
As much as the humans love this new technology - this technology doesn't seem to love us.
They don't care about your favourite game - they just want to make sure you're buying the next one.
They don't care if your favourite show is on - they want the Blue -Ray player that will fit nicely in the cabinet underneath.
And phones don't care about you calling your grandmother on a Sunday night - why not spend your money on finding out the weather, or the news instead? "And don't worry, I'll charge it straight to your account."
I'm taking a stand people - and by that I mean doing nothing.
Well, OK it's not nothing... I chose not to buy the latest gadgets when they come out - I'm happy with the phone I have and don't need to run out and get the new one.
I refuse to buy ANYTHING 3D - unless it's at the movie cinema's.
Even though my phone is a touch screen, my Ipod isn't - and I'm happy to keep it that way.
I guess my post comes down to this - yes technology doesn't work for us all the time - but without it we would be screwed (let's face it.)
But the technology I'm talking about today, is not the important stuff - not the things we NEED - like electricity for example, or equipment doctors use.
But when it comes to entertainment technology - instead of playing an app on your phone or Ipod, and instead of watching a 3D movie - why not play an old fashioned board game - and have some classic family fun.
You know you'd enjoy it. I definitely will.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Just When I Thought I couldn't get any Cooler
With the long uni break, the fact I don't have a job, I'm so bored and I have nothing to do, I decided to revisit a part of my childhood.
For those who are aware, I joined Pottermore recently and I've really gotten into it ("go Ravenclaw.") It's fun and I can play it for a couple of hours with no problem. But I do find it can get repetitive and I eventually get sick of it. I honestly don't know how people could play on it all day long.
What is a fun part, is the common room forum - now that can be really entertaining. But the creator's of Pottermore really need to tweak it a bit, because it's not faultless (sorry, but I had to say.)
This got me thinking of when I was a kid, during the times I got into Neopets. Another online game with the same principles as Pottermore, (instead of a Harry Potter world, you entre the world of Neopets) but has a WAY better forum/chat area.
So for about a week now I've been thinking about Neopets and what happened to the Neopet I completely abandoned. I don't feel bad though - it's been years and the only thing I remember about it, was that it was blue, and I think it was a water creature, type thing.
And let's face it; they aren't REAL pets anyway.
Then today (I blame boredom) I decided to create a new Neopets account. Besides the forums, I really loved the games they had on that game, they were addictive and I wouldn't get off the computer until my mother/grandmother/father were calling me for dinner.
So I did. I created a new account.
It was exactly how I remember. And to boot, they gave me gifts as a new member (OK, I would've gone back to my old account, but I have a new email now, and I wouldn't have been able to remember my password, for the life of me).
So with the new gifts in my inventory and a happy (new) Neopet, I went searching for my favourite game. And with the click of the games button I found it - right there in the favourite section.
So I clicked to play (after I remembered how to).
But after the game loaded (a lot more quicker thanks to the addition of broadband in my family) the game started. But unfortunately the game had changed.
The stones for example were smaller (I liked the big stones personally), there were different tools to use, they added these buttons part where a dinosaur flew past when you pressed on of them.
It was different, the game was different. And I didn't like it.
I started to doubt my new account, when I thought I'd hit the forum section.
There are different forum rooms depending on what you want to talk about. So, I clicked the newbie section (well I haven't played in years).
But alas, scrolling down the topics, none of them got my attention. So, I thought I'd start my own post.
After I'd clicked the post button a message came up; "no posting until you have had the account for 24 hours." Damn.
That was it for me. I logged off. And I don't have any attention in going back. I might though, suss out other games, but other than that, I doubt I'll be a heavy Neopets player. All well.
Guess it's back to Pottermore.
For those who are aware, I joined Pottermore recently and I've really gotten into it ("go Ravenclaw.") It's fun and I can play it for a couple of hours with no problem. But I do find it can get repetitive and I eventually get sick of it. I honestly don't know how people could play on it all day long.
What is a fun part, is the common room forum - now that can be really entertaining. But the creator's of Pottermore really need to tweak it a bit, because it's not faultless (sorry, but I had to say.)
This got me thinking of when I was a kid, during the times I got into Neopets. Another online game with the same principles as Pottermore, (instead of a Harry Potter world, you entre the world of Neopets) but has a WAY better forum/chat area.
So for about a week now I've been thinking about Neopets and what happened to the Neopet I completely abandoned. I don't feel bad though - it's been years and the only thing I remember about it, was that it was blue, and I think it was a water creature, type thing.
And let's face it; they aren't REAL pets anyway.
Then today (I blame boredom) I decided to create a new Neopets account. Besides the forums, I really loved the games they had on that game, they were addictive and I wouldn't get off the computer until my mother/grandmother/father were calling me for dinner.
So I did. I created a new account.
It was exactly how I remember. And to boot, they gave me gifts as a new member (OK, I would've gone back to my old account, but I have a new email now, and I wouldn't have been able to remember my password, for the life of me).
So with the new gifts in my inventory and a happy (new) Neopet, I went searching for my favourite game. And with the click of the games button I found it - right there in the favourite section.
So I clicked to play (after I remembered how to).
But after the game loaded (a lot more quicker thanks to the addition of broadband in my family) the game started. But unfortunately the game had changed.
The stones for example were smaller (I liked the big stones personally), there were different tools to use, they added these buttons part where a dinosaur flew past when you pressed on of them.
It was different, the game was different. And I didn't like it.
I started to doubt my new account, when I thought I'd hit the forum section.
There are different forum rooms depending on what you want to talk about. So, I clicked the newbie section (well I haven't played in years).
But alas, scrolling down the topics, none of them got my attention. So, I thought I'd start my own post.
After I'd clicked the post button a message came up; "no posting until you have had the account for 24 hours." Damn.
That was it for me. I logged off. And I don't have any attention in going back. I might though, suss out other games, but other than that, I doubt I'll be a heavy Neopets player. All well.
Guess it's back to Pottermore.
Monday, 23 July 2012
What Society Thinks I Do.
I have found myself fascinated with memes.
You know them; I'm sure you would have seen them floating around - the video/photo that gets passed and viewed online for the world to see.
They are everywhere, and endless in themes and layouts.
But in today's post, I want to focus on a particular form of meme.
These are the ones that take a different thing E:G law students, teachers, cats, storm troopers...no one is safe.
They then all work with the same format.
I was going to go into it, but instead i'll put pictures up and you can view them for yourself.
And no need to thank me for the laughs that are about to surface.
You know them; I'm sure you would have seen them floating around - the video/photo that gets passed and viewed online for the world to see.
They are everywhere, and endless in themes and layouts.
But in today's post, I want to focus on a particular form of meme.
These are the ones that take a different thing E:G law students, teachers, cats, storm troopers...no one is safe.
They then all work with the same format.
I was going to go into it, but instead i'll put pictures up and you can view them for yourself.
And no need to thank me for the laughs that are about to surface.
* Thank you Google images for supplying me with these images.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Sorry, It's been a few days.
Sorry guys and yes it has been a while.
Not long though - more than a couple of days, but that is nothing for some; while a lifetime for others.
But regardless, I thought I'd say hi.
I would have written earlier, I promise, but I really have been through a lot. OK, well a lot for me.
On Monday, my family was shook with horrible, horrible news. Which (for reasons) I'm not going to go into. Sorry, but...nah.
Then yesterday, I got great news. The uni offered me a place in the course I wanted to get into. So I spent this morning trying to figure all that out - hey, it actually is pretty difficult.
And between Monday and today - I've been playing Pottermore. Lol, I know! I'm becoming slightly obsessed, but seeing as I have nothing better to do in my time - It's so much fun!
Sorry, this was a short, narcissistic post, that (probably) has no value to you.
I promise next time I'll have something more exciting.
Not long though - more than a couple of days, but that is nothing for some; while a lifetime for others.
But regardless, I thought I'd say hi.
I would have written earlier, I promise, but I really have been through a lot. OK, well a lot for me.
On Monday, my family was shook with horrible, horrible news. Which (for reasons) I'm not going to go into. Sorry, but...nah.
Then yesterday, I got great news. The uni offered me a place in the course I wanted to get into. So I spent this morning trying to figure all that out - hey, it actually is pretty difficult.
And between Monday and today - I've been playing Pottermore. Lol, I know! I'm becoming slightly obsessed, but seeing as I have nothing better to do in my time - It's so much fun!
Sorry, this was a short, narcissistic post, that (probably) has no value to you.
I promise next time I'll have something more exciting.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Potter More - Cheating in the Game!
Oh My God, so, I've had Potter more for around three days or so - and my brother and I have uncovered something very foul in the game...cheating!
OK, so technically we didn't discover it, and it's been going on for a while, but I'm still seriously shocked.
So yes, Potter more is an online game - and with a gazillion glitches they must have to deal with, I have just discovered cheating. But it's not only cheating, but cheating on a grand scale.
People have been creating more than one account, which they are put into a different house. Then using the new account, they deliberately lose house points for their rival houses; with this new account.
During potions, you can blow up your cauldron, which loses points for your house.
You can also verse people in your house for duels and lose deliberately, gaining points for your original house.
There is also a house common room chat forum, where only people in your house can view the posts.
It has been discovered that people have been discussing plot plans to target other houses and make them lose points.
So, there's the cheating on a grand scale.
People are actually devising plans, talking about sabotage, in common rooms where others are unaware that this goes on.
So, I know it's the Internet - and there are going to be haters and bad people who only like causing havoc. But c'mon people they ruining what is supposed to be a fun, new, Harry Potter experience, which can be shared with all around the world.
They are abusing a game and taking (what is just a game) far too seriously.
I think the online world is forgetting that this is only a game, and people who are cheating are ruining it for everyone.
Please, if you read this and you are one of those cheaters - please stop, no one likes a bully.
OK, so technically we didn't discover it, and it's been going on for a while, but I'm still seriously shocked.
So yes, Potter more is an online game - and with a gazillion glitches they must have to deal with, I have just discovered cheating. But it's not only cheating, but cheating on a grand scale.
People have been creating more than one account, which they are put into a different house. Then using the new account, they deliberately lose house points for their rival houses; with this new account.
During potions, you can blow up your cauldron, which loses points for your house.
You can also verse people in your house for duels and lose deliberately, gaining points for your original house.
There is also a house common room chat forum, where only people in your house can view the posts.
It has been discovered that people have been discussing plot plans to target other houses and make them lose points.
So, there's the cheating on a grand scale.
People are actually devising plans, talking about sabotage, in common rooms where others are unaware that this goes on.
So, I know it's the Internet - and there are going to be haters and bad people who only like causing havoc. But c'mon people they ruining what is supposed to be a fun, new, Harry Potter experience, which can be shared with all around the world.
They are abusing a game and taking (what is just a game) far too seriously.
I think the online world is forgetting that this is only a game, and people who are cheating are ruining it for everyone.
Please, if you read this and you are one of those cheaters - please stop, no one likes a bully.
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Pottermore: entre Harry's World
Today I took my Harry Potter obsession to a new level, when I signed up to Pottermore.
I've known about it for a while - I even have a friend who won a competition, allowing her to be one of the first people to experience the wizarding world on a whole new level.
Then (in May of this year, I believe) my brother signed up as well. He has more than a few friends who also play the online game; add to that, their brothers and sisters, who no doubt, have it as well.
So, my connected community, is already, deep into the game.
Then (presuaded by my brother) my mother signed up.
I watched her play some of it.
This included picking a pet (you can choose between an owl, cat or a toad), and having your wand be chosen for you (you answer questions) and I even watched the sorting ceremony; again you answer questions about yourself, so they can determine you best fit.
And then it was.
I had to join too.
Watching how they took you through the chapters, the graphics and the interest of Harry Potter was partly because of it. But I have to admit, watching those questions, to determine what you got, really got me wondering. Naturally my answers were different than my mother's and I wanted to know what wand I would recieve, or what house I would be placed in.
So what is Pottermore? I would say an online game, but I feel (and so would HP fanatics,) it's the Harry Potter experience. I'm not far in, but I believe it takes you through all seven books, experiencing everything Harry, Ron, and Hermione had too.
As I mentioned you get sorted into one of the four houses, you can earn points for that house, you can duel, learn spells, make potions - you live and breath the Hogworts world. And all through your computer screen.
Because it's online, you can verse and meet people from all over the world - of course you don't know who they really are (you get a username, picked out, which detatches who you are, from that in the game).
You have your houses common room, where you can view your houses leader board - so, who in your house has earnt the most points for example. You can also go into the Great Hall, which you can look at the houses leaderboard.
But not a Harry Potter fan? They take you through each chapter of the book - so you never feel like you don't know what is going on, or how to do stuff.
It's extremely close to the books, so I would suggest if you want to get into the Harry Potter phenomenon, you read the books first.
However, if you just want to get into this kind of gaming experience, then you should check it out as well.
So, I've only just begun my journey; I chose a brown owl as my pet, my wand is made of dogwood (or something like that) and the house I was put in was Ravenclaw.
I have no doubt, as I get used to the game and how it works, the more addictive the game will become.
But for now, I'm only a newbie, and I'm still getting used to the whole experience.
But as a serious Harry Potter fan - I'm sure I'll love every step of the way.
I've known about it for a while - I even have a friend who won a competition, allowing her to be one of the first people to experience the wizarding world on a whole new level.
Then (in May of this year, I believe) my brother signed up as well. He has more than a few friends who also play the online game; add to that, their brothers and sisters, who no doubt, have it as well.
So, my connected community, is already, deep into the game.
Then (presuaded by my brother) my mother signed up.
I watched her play some of it.
This included picking a pet (you can choose between an owl, cat or a toad), and having your wand be chosen for you (you answer questions) and I even watched the sorting ceremony; again you answer questions about yourself, so they can determine you best fit.
And then it was.
I had to join too.
Watching how they took you through the chapters, the graphics and the interest of Harry Potter was partly because of it. But I have to admit, watching those questions, to determine what you got, really got me wondering. Naturally my answers were different than my mother's and I wanted to know what wand I would recieve, or what house I would be placed in.
So what is Pottermore? I would say an online game, but I feel (and so would HP fanatics,) it's the Harry Potter experience. I'm not far in, but I believe it takes you through all seven books, experiencing everything Harry, Ron, and Hermione had too.
As I mentioned you get sorted into one of the four houses, you can earn points for that house, you can duel, learn spells, make potions - you live and breath the Hogworts world. And all through your computer screen.
Because it's online, you can verse and meet people from all over the world - of course you don't know who they really are (you get a username, picked out, which detatches who you are, from that in the game).
You have your houses common room, where you can view your houses leader board - so, who in your house has earnt the most points for example. You can also go into the Great Hall, which you can look at the houses leaderboard.
But not a Harry Potter fan? They take you through each chapter of the book - so you never feel like you don't know what is going on, or how to do stuff.
It's extremely close to the books, so I would suggest if you want to get into the Harry Potter phenomenon, you read the books first.
However, if you just want to get into this kind of gaming experience, then you should check it out as well.
So, I've only just begun my journey; I chose a brown owl as my pet, my wand is made of dogwood (or something like that) and the house I was put in was Ravenclaw.
I have no doubt, as I get used to the game and how it works, the more addictive the game will become.
But for now, I'm only a newbie, and I'm still getting used to the whole experience.
But as a serious Harry Potter fan - I'm sure I'll love every step of the way.
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
To Keep the Degree, or Change the Degree? That is the Question.
University - the place where your decisions will have an impact on the rest of your life.
Well, career wise, anyway.
Recently I made the decision to change my bachelor degree. I've been mulling it over for ages now, but until recently decided to take the plunge.
So I emailed the people I needed to talk to and asked how I change my degree.
I didn't think it would be that hard - I've already done units, which can be crossed over into my new degree and any that can't can be applied to credit.
Too easy.
Well, so I thought.
The process will take at least two weeks. I have only a month before enrolments close. And I can't enrol until they have given me an offer.
So I'm working against the clock here.
The longer I put off enrolling - the harder it will be to get the classes and the times I want.
And on top of that, I've missed units, which can only be done in Semester one. So I will be behind - but I'm pretty sure, I can catch up next year - well at least I think.
And then I think, "what if I can't?"
I know, just email people who can help and they will tell you. Well I have. Several times.
And here's my second worry.
I emailed the people to talk to on Monday, since then - today's Wednesday, I have been emailing them with new questions. Because obviously, once they answer something, a new question comes into my head.
And I'm a worrier. So I've been asking everything.
I know it's their job, and I'm sure they're happy to do it. But I can't help but feel sorry for them.
Here's a girl, changing her degree at the last minute, has a gazillion questions....
But I have to say, the women who has been helping me has been extremely helpful, and is doing a great job, helping me make a decision.
And yet, I still haven't made it.
To keep the degree?
Or change the degree?
I'm worried if I change my degree, it wont get processed in time, and then I don't know what I could do. I honestly don't.
On the other hand, if I keep the degree I'm doing now, the chances of me not enjoying it are high. I won't be interested in it and I'm positive it will impact my marks. In a negative way, obviously.
So what to do?
To be honest, I don't know. And with time working against me, I'm really starting to freak out.
Oh, and did I mention:
I've only done one semester of uni. I'm still new to this whole world, and mixing it up is seriously freaking me out!
Well, career wise, anyway.
Recently I made the decision to change my bachelor degree. I've been mulling it over for ages now, but until recently decided to take the plunge.
So I emailed the people I needed to talk to and asked how I change my degree.
I didn't think it would be that hard - I've already done units, which can be crossed over into my new degree and any that can't can be applied to credit.
Too easy.
Well, so I thought.
The process will take at least two weeks. I have only a month before enrolments close. And I can't enrol until they have given me an offer.
So I'm working against the clock here.
The longer I put off enrolling - the harder it will be to get the classes and the times I want.
And on top of that, I've missed units, which can only be done in Semester one. So I will be behind - but I'm pretty sure, I can catch up next year - well at least I think.
And then I think, "what if I can't?"
I know, just email people who can help and they will tell you. Well I have. Several times.
And here's my second worry.
I emailed the people to talk to on Monday, since then - today's Wednesday, I have been emailing them with new questions. Because obviously, once they answer something, a new question comes into my head.
And I'm a worrier. So I've been asking everything.
I know it's their job, and I'm sure they're happy to do it. But I can't help but feel sorry for them.
Here's a girl, changing her degree at the last minute, has a gazillion questions....
But I have to say, the women who has been helping me has been extremely helpful, and is doing a great job, helping me make a decision.
And yet, I still haven't made it.
To keep the degree?
Or change the degree?
I'm worried if I change my degree, it wont get processed in time, and then I don't know what I could do. I honestly don't.
On the other hand, if I keep the degree I'm doing now, the chances of me not enjoying it are high. I won't be interested in it and I'm positive it will impact my marks. In a negative way, obviously.
So what to do?
To be honest, I don't know. And with time working against me, I'm really starting to freak out.
Oh, and did I mention:
I've only done one semester of uni. I'm still new to this whole world, and mixing it up is seriously freaking me out!
life changing,
Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Praise to The Simpsons
As I speak (ok, well type) The Simpsons are on TV. And the more I thought about, they've been there for a long time.
The Simpsons have been on air for 20 years! I know, doesn't that make you feel old?
They've had 24 seasons, with over 500 hundred episodes and counting.
And they aren't slowing down - well at least they don't seem to show it.
Today I read an article about Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes) will be voicing in their new season. It's proof that they are still raking in high profile names who are lining up to appear with the world's most famous family.
The episode that's playing on TV, is an old one. To be specific, it's the one where Homer becomes a bodyguard and works for Mayor Quimby.
Even though I've watched it a million times, I find myself still laughing at all the right parts.
In this particular episode, the mix of pop cultural references (The Bodyguard and Starwars) is an unlikely, perfect match.
It's the longest running prime time animation series (well at least that's what Wiki says), they've won Emmy's, People's Choice Awards, and three British Comedy Awards. Don't believe me - check Wikipedia.
Those awards are no suprise though, are they really?
They (and this is my opinion personally) changed children's television, animation TV and shaped the lives of generations of children.
As an adult now - I still love The Simpsons.
And there isn't a person I know, who hasn't ever watched (at least one) episode of them.
And that's what makes them so popular.
They appeal to the youngest of children, to the oldest of adults (OK, well maybe not my grandparents, but my Dad still loves them!)
As long as they keep pumping out episodes, I'll continue to watch them.
There will be a time though when Matt Groening says no more.
Or maybe the station says no more.
And then - no more episodes.
But, then, we'll always have the old eps - the one playing on my TV right now, and whenever they decide to stop making the show, I will cry (yes I know, I'm lame).
But we'll always have our fond memories.
Thankyou, The Simpsons; You made my childhood.
And my adulthood.
Google Images |
They've had 24 seasons, with over 500 hundred episodes and counting.
And they aren't slowing down - well at least they don't seem to show it.
Today I read an article about Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes) will be voicing in their new season. It's proof that they are still raking in high profile names who are lining up to appear with the world's most famous family.
The episode that's playing on TV, is an old one. To be specific, it's the one where Homer becomes a bodyguard and works for Mayor Quimby.
Even though I've watched it a million times, I find myself still laughing at all the right parts.
In this particular episode, the mix of pop cultural references (The Bodyguard and Starwars) is an unlikely, perfect match.
It's the longest running prime time animation series (well at least that's what Wiki says), they've won Emmy's, People's Choice Awards, and three British Comedy Awards. Don't believe me - check Wikipedia.
Those awards are no suprise though, are they really?
They (and this is my opinion personally) changed children's television, animation TV and shaped the lives of generations of children.
As an adult now - I still love The Simpsons.
And there isn't a person I know, who hasn't ever watched (at least one) episode of them.
And that's what makes them so popular.
They appeal to the youngest of children, to the oldest of adults (OK, well maybe not my grandparents, but my Dad still loves them!)
As long as they keep pumping out episodes, I'll continue to watch them.
There will be a time though when Matt Groening says no more.
Or maybe the station says no more.
And then - no more episodes.
But, then, we'll always have the old eps - the one playing on my TV right now, and whenever they decide to stop making the show, I will cry (yes I know, I'm lame).
But we'll always have our fond memories.
Thankyou, The Simpsons; You made my childhood.
And my adulthood.
Friday, 6 July 2012
Songs: The Perfect Mood Changers
I've come across a problem.
I wanted to write something representing loneliness, sadness and something almost to the point of depression.
Problem was (though really I'm glad I wasn't) I wasn't feeling anything like this. In fact I felt great. And as much as I hate feeling depressed, I kinda really needed it for the mood of the story to work.
Trying to write somehing down was exhusting, I just couldn't feel sad.
And that's when my baby (AKA my ipod) knew what to do.
I ran down my music list and played sad song, after sad song.
Almost instantly I started to feel less happy than what I did a song ago.
Listening to heavy lyrics, soft voices and heart-wrenching instruments that can make you feel like your heart valves are being plucked and not those of the guitar strings.
In fact, I'm still listening to those songs, and it's still effective.
You listen to the lyrics and start to believe that the singer is telling your story - you delve into the story of the song, and you begin to think of your life and even start to question how your living it.
Yep, music is that powerful.
For example listening to Bitter Sweet Symphony makes me feel like I'm running. Even when I'm sitting down doing nothing, I always feel the need to run when I hear that song. And when I listen to Open Arms, it also makes me feel like running, but to something, rather than away from it.
Different songs give us different moods. And there is always a song to go with any mood.
Even though, I don't want to feel sad, it's the perfect way to create the right vibe...well it is, for me at least.
Same say it's only music. It's nothing but a beat and lyrics; but boy it helps. As I listen to it, I feel like I'm ready to continue with the story.
And that's what I'm gonna do.
I wanted to write something representing loneliness, sadness and something almost to the point of depression.
Problem was (though really I'm glad I wasn't) I wasn't feeling anything like this. In fact I felt great. And as much as I hate feeling depressed, I kinda really needed it for the mood of the story to work.
Trying to write somehing down was exhusting, I just couldn't feel sad.
And that's when my baby (AKA my ipod) knew what to do.
I ran down my music list and played sad song, after sad song.
Almost instantly I started to feel less happy than what I did a song ago.
Listening to heavy lyrics, soft voices and heart-wrenching instruments that can make you feel like your heart valves are being plucked and not those of the guitar strings.
In fact, I'm still listening to those songs, and it's still effective.
You listen to the lyrics and start to believe that the singer is telling your story - you delve into the story of the song, and you begin to think of your life and even start to question how your living it.
Yep, music is that powerful.
For example listening to Bitter Sweet Symphony makes me feel like I'm running. Even when I'm sitting down doing nothing, I always feel the need to run when I hear that song. And when I listen to Open Arms, it also makes me feel like running, but to something, rather than away from it.
Different songs give us different moods. And there is always a song to go with any mood.
Even though, I don't want to feel sad, it's the perfect way to create the right vibe...well it is, for me at least.
Same say it's only music. It's nothing but a beat and lyrics; but boy it helps. As I listen to it, I feel like I'm ready to continue with the story.
And that's what I'm gonna do.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
I'm falling behind.
I felt like writing.
I've been feeling like that a lot lately.
But instead of writing here, I've been drawn to other means.
So this blog has been a bit neglected. Sorry.
It's not entirely my fault though.
In a turn of uncontrollable events, I found myself at the coast. The trip wasn't a happy one, which had to do with one of my Grandparents being ill. So off my Mum and I went.
And because they lived in a rural area, and because they have slow internet (unbearably slow) I was stuck without this blog for over a week.
I have no doubt, I thought of many wonderful things to write about while I was there, but couldn't actually get access to write them down...well not on computer anyway.
Now I'm back though. And of course, with nothing to say.
But I still wish to write though.
I'll probably think of something as soon as I hit the publish button. That's always the way, isn't it?
So, even with nothing to say, I decided writing something is better than nothing (though I'm sure there's some of you who disagree). As I logged on I saw a post by one of the blogs I follow. Within 14 months they had written 400 posts. Different stories, things of interest to them, that they had written down and in only 14 months. That's a lot. A hell of a lot.
That got me thinking of myself. I've had this blog since March of this year. And I have 19 posts. If I was to try to match that record or even beat it...well let's work it out.
I've had my blog for 5 months. 14 - 4 = 10. I have ten months to go.
I have 19 posts. 400 - 19 = 381.
Crap. I have to write 381 posts in the next 10 months....so that's until...May of next year. I think.
Feels like it's ages away, but that's gonna creep up on us.
I also know, I'm not an interesting person, so this is where I need your help.
Have something you want written about?
Have a hot topic you want out in the public?
Books, movies, music you want reviewed?
Actually, I'll accept anything...you want it written, I'll do it!!
Send your topics to my email
*I've since removed it, cause I was a dildo putting it up in the first place!
or you can send them as a comment.
Also, if you happen to notice my maths isn't right, and it needs to be changed...please tell me! I was never good at maths.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Being Brave - Review
What are you doing this weekend?
Not anymore you aren't.
This weekend/tomorrow/next week/ next month, you are going to make a trip to the cinema.
Whenever you decide to go it doesn't matter - just make sure it's before the newest Disney movie stops showing. Trust me you'll want to see it.
The movie? Brave. To put it simply; it's amazing.
Whether you have children and need to entertain them, are young or old, everyone is going to love this movie. Truely.
The setting: Brave takes us to medieval Scottland, where the scenery is breathtaking, the beards are flowing and the kilts are...kilting?
Only Disney/Pixar can take an animated movie, and place the viewer in it's story. Making the animation obsolete to the point where you don't look at it as animation - but real.
I'm not going to go into the storyline because I wouldn't want to ruin it for anyone (especially now that you're going to go see it) but in usual Disney fashion, it is heartfelt, beautiful, makes you laugh, makes you cry, and gives your heart that warm, fuzzy feeling at the end.
They have truely surpassed themselves.
The last Disney/Pixar movie I saw (from what I can remember) was Tangled. And that movie was good.
But there's something about Brave that makes you want to cheer like a crazed Celt.
The storyline has this "twist" that (I at least) didn't expect - and in true Disney style of course, it is resolved.
The resolution was a little obvious, but hey, it's a children's movie.
The voices of famous actors is something to keep an eye (or ear) out for.
I'll give one away and say *cough* Billy Connelly *cough*
- Well, you can always look it up on the internet anyway, so that's not that secretive.
For years, (and if I had time I'd look it up) Disney has been entertaining the world with their characters and the worlds they live in.
I remember myself watching Toy Story as a child and even remember seeing A Bug's Life in the cinema - I was afraid of the grasshoppers.
So maybe that's why me and my friend were so keen for the latest Disney masterpiece.
As an adult now, I probably should stop going to the cinema to see these children's films (and on the day it was released too) and watch something older.
But as long as Disney keep producing pieces of magic (which let's face it will be never) I will continue to stroll over to my nearest cinema.
And I'll love to go.
So if you want to be like me and be a child again, or maybe you have children to entertain. Go on...go see Brave.
I hope you love it as much as I did.
Not anymore you aren't.
This weekend/tomorrow/next week/ next month, you are going to make a trip to the cinema.
Whenever you decide to go it doesn't matter - just make sure it's before the newest Disney movie stops showing. Trust me you'll want to see it.
The movie? Brave. To put it simply; it's amazing.
Whether you have children and need to entertain them, are young or old, everyone is going to love this movie. Truely.
The setting: Brave takes us to medieval Scottland, where the scenery is breathtaking, the beards are flowing and the kilts are...kilting?
Only Disney/Pixar can take an animated movie, and place the viewer in it's story. Making the animation obsolete to the point where you don't look at it as animation - but real.
I'm not going to go into the storyline because I wouldn't want to ruin it for anyone (especially now that you're going to go see it) but in usual Disney fashion, it is heartfelt, beautiful, makes you laugh, makes you cry, and gives your heart that warm, fuzzy feeling at the end.
They have truely surpassed themselves.
The last Disney/Pixar movie I saw (from what I can remember) was Tangled. And that movie was good.
But there's something about Brave that makes you want to cheer like a crazed Celt.
The storyline has this "twist" that (I at least) didn't expect - and in true Disney style of course, it is resolved.
The resolution was a little obvious, but hey, it's a children's movie.
The voices of famous actors is something to keep an eye (or ear) out for.
I'll give one away and say *cough* Billy Connelly *cough*
- Well, you can always look it up on the internet anyway, so that's not that secretive.
For years, (and if I had time I'd look it up) Disney has been entertaining the world with their characters and the worlds they live in.
I remember myself watching Toy Story as a child and even remember seeing A Bug's Life in the cinema - I was afraid of the grasshoppers.
So maybe that's why me and my friend were so keen for the latest Disney masterpiece.
As an adult now, I probably should stop going to the cinema to see these children's films (and on the day it was released too) and watch something older.
But as long as Disney keep producing pieces of magic (which let's face it will be never) I will continue to stroll over to my nearest cinema.
And I'll love to go.
So if you want to be like me and be a child again, or maybe you have children to entertain. Go on...go see Brave.
I hope you love it as much as I did.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Go Away, I Don't Want to Talk to You
Sorry, not you curious reader, just someone (you know who it is) the person who you cannot (no matter how hard you try), get rid of.
Whether it's on the phone, in person, on the internet; that someone, can never take the hint of "I'm going now, I don't want to talk to you, why can't I leave now?"
My case just happened then; yes that explains the spelling and grammar mistakes; she's in a pent up rage.
On Facebook to be more specific. It was horrible - I didn't want to talk to them in the first place - but I had to. Don't we all, though really?
For one reason or another, we find ourselves in these situations, because the annoyer iniciates it - they always do.
Then why do we stay? Guilt. My reason was...no I'm not going to go there, but whatever the guilty reason, we have an obligation to stay.
And chat.
For a really long time.
And it's not a comfortable one. For most of the conversation, the annoyer (yes, that little piece of work you want to punch in the head and run) does all of the talking.
So he should little bugger. He was the one wanting to talk.
With the annoyed (ah yes, poor us) replying in one word answers (with the occasional nod of the head, if it's in person).
But eventually, we need to engage in conversation, otherwise that would be down right rude.
We talk about something that facinates us, ask a question or two, and the annoyer is fooled into thinking you're enjoying this conversation as much as them.
But it doesn't end there. Because this conversation has gone so well, they insist on another. Another? Hell no.
The last thing we need is to go through this again! And plan for it ahead of schedual!
You need to leave now. Say you're too busy; in fact you're so busy, you have to leave now, it's a matter of emergancy!
Quick start to move your feet, click the log off button and close down your email.
Ah, you're safe. You're gone. And so are they. No more mindless, pathetic chit-chat.
Until next time...
Whether it's on the phone, in person, on the internet; that someone, can never take the hint of "I'm going now, I don't want to talk to you, why can't I leave now?"
My case just happened then; yes that explains the spelling and grammar mistakes; she's in a pent up rage.
On Facebook to be more specific. It was horrible - I didn't want to talk to them in the first place - but I had to. Don't we all, though really?
For one reason or another, we find ourselves in these situations, because the annoyer iniciates it - they always do.
Then why do we stay? Guilt. My reason was...no I'm not going to go there, but whatever the guilty reason, we have an obligation to stay.
And chat.
For a really long time.
And it's not a comfortable one. For most of the conversation, the annoyer (yes, that little piece of work you want to punch in the head and run) does all of the talking.
So he should little bugger. He was the one wanting to talk.
With the annoyed (ah yes, poor us) replying in one word answers (with the occasional nod of the head, if it's in person).
But eventually, we need to engage in conversation, otherwise that would be down right rude.
We talk about something that facinates us, ask a question or two, and the annoyer is fooled into thinking you're enjoying this conversation as much as them.
But it doesn't end there. Because this conversation has gone so well, they insist on another. Another? Hell no.
The last thing we need is to go through this again! And plan for it ahead of schedual!
You need to leave now. Say you're too busy; in fact you're so busy, you have to leave now, it's a matter of emergancy!
Quick start to move your feet, click the log off button and close down your email.
Ah, you're safe. You're gone. And so are they. No more mindless, pathetic chit-chat.
Until next time...
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